Area II - Thoughts, Inspirations & Perspirations


Thursday, February 28, 2008


Dear Ajay & Gautam,

It is indeed very sad to hear the demise of one of our brothers. I might not know him but just being a part of Tabling makes me feel like I hv lost someone dear.

I must appreciate the efforts taken by some people like you & Gautham to address such issues.
Being educated & bestowed with all that one can ask for we tend to take life & warnings for granted.

I have seen & witnessed irresponsible & indisciplined behaviour & activities of our very own Tablers in our Area to my utter dismay -

1. Reckless driving incl reverse.

2. Pride in over speeding @ speeds in 3 digits .......sometimes with least disregard to co passengers & most of the time their own children

3. Pride in racing in the streets with thousands of people arnd them. Hotel to home in 5 minutes covering some 60 kms sending sms' simultaneously.

4. Seat belts are considered as shameful & sometimes interprets to being a inexperienced & a chicken of a driver. Hw many Tablers or even Circlers wear seat belts?? A handful perhaps.

5. Making children drive their cars @ the age of 5....placing them on the laps while they drive

6. Child seats - Hw many even hv heard of such a thing??

7. Then the famous drunken driving.......etc

I am sure every Table in our viscinity has got such nuts in em....atleast a hand ful.

I can partially understand someone who dies irresponsibly if uneducated but v r all highly educated?? whats our xcuse???

Shouldn't v be responsible in our ways? What can Tabling do about such an attitude?
Conduct a HRD Program??? To start with thats fine. I suggest expulsion of such nuts from the movement......isn't jeopordising urself with least regard to ur own life & even more disregard to people with u, a serious offense?? If proven (2day everyone hs got cameras everywhere) what can v do?? that includes chairmens ofcourse. how abt suspension for a month??

I would say avoid inter city car travel as far as is a proven fact that more people die on the road than any other medium of transport.
Trains literally connect every city in our Country....and now planes r getting there too. All dates r planned well in advance as far as our Movement why not apex fares??......bulk booking fares?? If u still want to hit the road (long distance), pool in money and take out a luxury coach which comes with more than one can ask for ......driver, cleaner to clean ur puke aftr parties........, video, luxury reclining seats, jacuzzi...(ok nevermind that) what more do v need?

The Tabler reading your mail ends his responsibilty by fwd'ing the same to his fellow tablers. The buck shud nt stop here.
Perhaps an oath shud b taken & some norms nforced...some national or area level competition in such safety aspects.

Talking abt about clealiness & hygiene in one's homes....offices?? how abt taking care of health? excercise??? why stop with simple traffic violations?? hw abt patience? standing in cues? spitting in public?? list is endless.

Can't v all put our minds to show others what a group of people can do. Besides like I always say .......
I read ur mails & wanted to share my thoughts with my brothers rather than watch life go past me.

C 162:)

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 3:10 PM, National President: Tr. Ajay Handa <> wrote:
Dear Friend,

"The loss of a friend is like that of a limb...time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired"

We are all greatly saddened to hear of the heart-breaking news of Prospective Gautam Rai's demise...nothing will ever fill this void in the lives of his family. I sincerely request all to pray to God Almighty to give his family the strength to bear this great loss & grant peace to his soul.

I really hope that you have gone through the e-mail sent yesterday afternoon by our National HRD Convenor - Tr. Gautam Rao. (refer below)

The mail seeks to ensure the safety of Tablers and their families by communicating to you many different ways to be safe while driving or being driven. As mature individuals, we must pay heed to simple safety that will ensure you celebrate more birthdays:) As Tablers, we like to have fun. Let us do the right things so that all of us can party well and still drive (be driven) to our homes safe and sound. Always remember, you have a responsibility to ensure 'road risks' are managed responsibly while traveling to and from Tabling events and at all other times as well.

We are working to develop a HR module on the topic of Driving & Safety. This will be sent to Table Chairmen and Secretaries so that it can be conducted at your Table meeting. In an effort to raise awareness about road safety amongst the tablers of Round Table India...we have decided to declare the month of March as - "Driving Safety Month"!!

All tables across RTI are urged to discuss this topic at their meetings and to conduct the Driving & Safety module.
Please go through Tr. Gautam's email, print it, and follow as many points as you can.
Drive safe my friend...we owe it to our families!
warm regards,
your friend,

Tr. Ajay HandaPresidentRound Table,Mobile: +91 9845251160Work: +91 836 2374770Skype: aj.handa

NHRD Convenor: Gautam Rao
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 4:22 PM
Subject: URGENT - Safety message for all Tablers and their families
Dear Fellow Tablers,

This is a very long email and I ask for your patience and understanding. It may very well save your life or the life of a loved one.

I began writing this email to all of you within hours after the last rites were performed for Gautam Rai, a prospective of a Table in Hyderabad. Somehow, witnessing the finality of his passage from this world, I felt an urgent need to reach out to all Tablers as soon as possible.

Gautam had been sitting in the back seat of a car that was returning from the MTM in Hyderabad in the early morning hours of Sunday, Feb. 17th when the car went off the road and slammed into a tree at high speed. It is believed that he was rendered brain-dead almost instantaneously from the force of the collision. He was in the ICU for a little over a week, but never recovered brain function. He passed away on February 24th.

Gautam Rai's small children no longer have a father. His loving wife, Pooja, no longer has a husband. His mom, who had lost her husband many years ago, has now lost her eldest son. We pause to remember the talented, enthusiastic and warm man that he was and we mourn the loss of a life with so much potential. This has been an immense tragedy – and the price will be paid by many people, for many years.

This kind of fatal accident often involves multiple causes. Gautam Rai was not wearing a seatbelt and the spot/road where the accident occurred has a sharp curve and has been the scene of other fatalities. Alcohol is not thought to have been a factor in this accident. Regardless of the specific circumstances of this accident, a life has been lost and other lives have been shattered.

I write to all of you today because these kinds of tragedies are avoidable. I do not write this email to assign blame or responsibility for this specific event. The horrifying reality is that by not adhering to simple and prescribed safety rules we regularly put ourselves, our friends and our loved ones at risk for the same kind of trauma. This is even more so on Friday and Saturday nights when we often imbibe large quantities of alcohol. It's a miracle that fatal accidents have not happened more often.

Many people have tried to cope with this tragedy by discussing fate and destiny. I do understand how faith in God can help the family in their time of grief. However, I also feel that this faith is not a substitute for personal accountability. There are times when we have done everything we can to safeguard ourselves or our loved ones – and something bad still happens. This does not mean that we should say that it is in always in God's hands and therefore "Whatever will happen, will happen." Actually, it is said that "God helps those who help themselves". In this context, that means that it is our responsibility to provide for our own safety, and after we have done so to the best of our ability, then we can seek God's blessing and support.

This tragedy has been on the minds of many Tablers in Hyderabad. We had a serious email discussion on driving & safety in our Table E-Group. A number of good ideas were suggested. I have done further research online and have expanded on and organized ideas into the 4 categories below. I hope that you will adopt at least a few of them and that they will be of help.

Care of children in the car

Strictly use baby seats as appropriate – right size, facing the right direction, always use even if the child is crying and you want to hold him/her in your lap.
Know which age/size baby child should seat in the front seat if the car has an airbag – airbags can kill small children. - talks about air bags and child safety
See the above links and the below points– but please do further research of your own on the Web or through experts before buying/using child seats. The actions have serious consequences and I am not an expert on this.
Until your child reaches a weight of 10 kgs, you should use a backward facing car seat in the back seat of your car.
Children should remain in a forward-facing booster seat in the back seat of your car from 10 kgs until they reach approximately 18 kgs and 4 years of age
Older children sitting in the car should wear seat belts at all times – whether sitting in the front or in the back
Never, ever drive with baby in lap – if hit from behind, you will crush it against the steering column.
Baby should not be in the lap of the passenger either – if airbag is triggered (even through a small collision), baby can be killed from force of airbag. Please buy, install and use baby seats!

General Safety Tips while driving

Always wear your seat belts – this applies to both the front seat and the back seat. The law should not guide this – self-preservation should guide this. – The person driving must take responsibility to ensure that all are wearing their belts.
Think more about safety features in the purchases of your next car. Also, insist that rear seat belts be tested before driving away from the showroom.
Even if wide awake and completely sober – drive within reasonable speeds. I cannot tell you what this is, but it is surely less than what most of us drive at when we are presented with relatively empty roads in the late night/wee hours of the morning.
Try not to drive fast when in an unfamiliar car model or new car for the first time on a highway. You will not be used to its behaviour and that will lose you precious seconds in a tight situation, when your reflexes need to work best.
Similarly, try not to drive fast on roads with which you are not that familiar.
Keep in mind the role that fatigue plays in deciding how late into the night we should party at far away venues. Fatigue can be as deadly as alcohol.
Always drive slower at night as visibility is significantly less at night.
Be very careful of dangerous spots in the road – especially sharp curves. Note them while driving to a party, so you are aware of them when driving back.
"Speed Kills"– You should never speed!! Ask yourself "It is more important that I arrive a few minutes sooner or is it more important than I arrive"?
Remember that when we drive, we hold the lives of many innocents in our hands – this includes passengers in our car, other drivers/passengers as well as pedestrians on the road

Suggestions to help avoid having to drink and drive

Many of us find ourselves in a situation where we have to drink and drive. While drinking is not the only cause of fatal accidents – it increases the risk considerably. Here are some suggestions to avoid having to drink and drive.

The Table can pick a certain number of "designated drivers" for a given party. This list should take into account who lives near to who and Tables should make sure that the list is rotated often so that no one feels that they are always asked to miss out of the alcohol.
Existing drivers can be paid Rs.200 to Rs.300 (or any other amount) per night 'hardship allowance' when you plan to drink or will be out very late. At least do this on Saturday nights - this shouldn't be too much hardship for them as they can rest late on Sunday and they certainly appreciate the extra income.
People can hire a (or an additional) driver on a full-time basis. I'm sure most people could benefit from this in other aspects of their life as well - work, transporting children, etc.
One (or more) Sumo/Qualis with driver can be hired at Rs.800 - Rs.1200 per night for late night events. This can transport as many as 8 people and minimize the distance that they have to drive. Given the amount of money we Tablers spend on vacations and fun, should we have to really think so hard about something like this?
Swallow our pride and request a drop home if we do not feel that we can drive safely.

Tips to reduce danger/risk if one still chooses to drink and drive

As mentioned above, the best thing you can do for your safety when drinking or sleepy is to let someone else drive. Unfortunately, many of us will still not do this. There are still things that we can do to be safer:

Simply decide that you will drink less if you know you must drive that night.
Eat some snacks before you have your first drink and only drink small (30ml) drinks through the party.
In between alcoholic drinks, have a glass of water or soda or any non-alcoholic beverage.
Stop drinking at least 1 hour before driving and eat some food and drink lots of water.
The night cap, one for the road, is the worst thing one can do. Never force someone to have that last drink.
If someone has had a lot and still insists on driving, force them to have lots of COFFEE. It is common practice in many countries for people to end an evening which involved alcohol with a large cup (or multiple cups) of coffee. The caffeine can help!!! If you don't like coffee, then drink 'Red Bull'.
If one is still going to drink and drive, never drive above 45kmph (even if you find it boring). The slower the car is moving, the more time the driver has to react to changes in conditions. Research has shown that, after drinking (even moderately) or when sleepy, our reflexes slow down and we cannot react as fast.
If you are going from one party to another and you are already high – drive home instead.
Admit when sleepy or high while driving. It is better to change drivers or wait on the side of the main road with flashers on than to risk an accident.
If you start out and feel that you should not (or cannot) continue, pull over to the side of the road. Take the keys out of the ignition and call back to the party and ask for help from a more sober person.
If you absolutely can't get help, park the car on the side of the road, lock the doors, put on the parking light and take a small nap.
Insist on all passengers in the car wearing seatbelts at all times. If there are no rear seat belts in the car don't carry passengers until you have them fitted.

There are surely many more ways that you can be safe and I encourage you to add to this list.

I urge all of you to please take precautions to safeguard yourselves and your loved ones when driving – whether or not alcohol is involved. Please begin this instant – start by ensuring that seat belts are used in the front seat and in the back seat of the car at all times. This alone will help immeasurably. Go through the list in this email and decide which of these apply to you and which of these you are willing to do.

A more detailed module on safety (with additional resources and links) will follow, and it is my sincere hope that this module can be taken up by every Table in India during their business meeting in the month of March.

We all know that accidents can happen regardless of what WE do, but please follow these steps and at least you can significantly reduce the risk of an accident happening.

Best wishes and warm regards

Gautam Rao
National Convenor: HRD and Leadership Development

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

RT 162 in the Press - Tr. Satish / Verghese

Dear Friends
Chek it out. Yet another jak pot for 162'ers. Awsum snaps in media.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Area II Press Release - The Dhinakaran - Tr. Neville Billimoria

Car Rally for the Blind - Tr. Chiva - s RT 94

Dear Friends,
22nd Feb 2008
The UCAL Car Rally for the Blind-2008

We are glad to inform you that the UCAL is sponsoring The Car Rally for the Blind on 2nd March 2008 at Madras Gymkhana Club.
This is an Annual event sponsored by UCAL Fuel Systems ,since 1990 in association with Madras Motor Sports Club (MMSC) and National Association for Blind (NAB).The date and venue of the event is as follows:

Date: 2nd March 2008
Venue: Madras Gymkhana Club
Rally flag off: 9:30 AM
Lunch: 1:00 PM
Music by blind orchestra: 2:00 PM
Prize distribution: 4:00 PM

The participants will be required to drive his /her car for 50 kms approx and navigation will be by the blind contestants who will receive instruction in Braille. This not only brings you an opportunity to give your valuable time to the blind, but also provides an understanding of the unique abilities that the blind have. The primary motive is to provide a day of happiness to the blind and memories that they can treasure. The intention is to do it through motor sports . Since this is an important social awareness event sponsored by our company, I request you to please extend your participation to make this endeavor a success. Please come with Friends & Family.
The Hon Minister for social welfare Dr.Poongodhai Aladi Aruna will be the Chief Guest & Flag off the event.

We invite you all to please put forth your name as an entry to the event. The entry fee is Rs.500/- per entry . (This includes lunch for participant and his two guests). You may please contact Ms Sugasini at 9941005410 or Ms Meena at 9841434659 to assist you to fill the entry forms and submit the same to MMSC . All participants will be given participation certificates.

As a very special event this year National Association for Blind have arranged for Music program by their orchestra between lunch and prize distribution.

Thanking you and looking forward to your support & cooperation.

Thanks & regards,
Meena Goel
General Manager – New Business
E mail:
Phone: +91-44-42208131
Mobile: 9841434659

UCAL Rally for the Blind - Tr Siva RT 94

Dear Friends,
22nd Feb 2008
The UCAL Car Rally for the Blind-2008

We are glad to inform you that the UCAL is sponsoring The Car Rally for the Blind on 2nd March 2008 at Madras Gymkhana Club.
This is an Annual event sponsored by UCAL Fuel Systems ,since 1990 in association with Madras Motor Sports Club (MMSC) and National Association for Blind (NAB).The date and venue of the event is as follows:

Date: 2nd March 2008
Venue: Madras Gymkhana Club
Rally flag off: 9:30 AM
Lunch: 1:00 PM
Music by blind orchestra: 2:00 PM
Prize distribution: 4:00 PM

The participants will be required to drive his /her car for 50 kms approx and navigation will be by the blind contestants who will receive instruction in Braille. This not only brings you an opportunity to give your valuable time to the blind, but also provides an understanding of the unique abilities that the blind have. The primary motive is to provide a day of happiness to the blind and memories that they can treasure. The intention is to do it through motor sports . Since this is an important social awareness event sponsored by our company, I request you to please extend your participation to make this endeavor a success. Please come with Friends & Family.
The Hon Minister for social welfare Dr.Poongodhai Aladi Aruna will be the Chief Guest & Flag off the event.

We invite you all to please put forth your name as an entry to the event. The entry fee is Rs.500/- per entry . (This includes lunch for participant and his two guests). You may please contact Ms Sugasini at 9941005410 or Ms Meena at 9841434659 to assist you to fill the entry forms and submit the same to MMSC . All participants will be given participation certificates.

As a very special event this year National Association for Blind have arranged for Music program by their orchestra between lunch and prize distribution.

Thanking you and looking forward to your support & cooperation.

Thanks & regards,
Meena Goel
General Manager – New Business
E mail:
Phone: +91-44-42208131
Mobile: 9841434659

Area Idol - MCRT 162 - Tr. Satish Jupiter

Hindustan College of Engineering's Area 2 Idol is an adaptation of a very popular international television program. It is a talent hunt to identify the best singer from the 18 Round tables in the Area covering Chennai and Pondicherry. This year we organised the Area 2 Idol program on Sunday the February 24th, 2008 at Hotel Accord Metropolitan T Nagar from 7 p.m. onwards.

It was a high profile Event with some of the most eminent personalities from the Film and Music World judging the event. This event is highly acclaimed in the Tabling Community and is attended by all the tables with nearly 320 people from Chennai and Pondicherry, cheering and enthralling the participants all thru.

It was an evening packed with fun, fellowship and excitement. 24 participants in the first round which was shortlisted to 12 in the second round and finally to 6 in the Final round. We also had the special duet round that was introduced this year. Cash prizes totalling to Rs 45000 were distributed to the winners and runners up.

Please find below the names of Winner & Runner up:-

The Most popular singer award was won by Tr Amit Saiya of Table 95

The Area 2 Idol (Male Singer) was conferred on Tr Kiron Nair MART 100 with a cash prize of Rs 10000

The Area 2 Idol (Male) Runners up was Siddarth Table 30 (cash prize of Rs 5000)

The Area 2 Idol (Female Singer) was conferred on Cr Nandini Table 123 with a cash prize of Rs 10000

The Area 2 Idol (Female) Runners up was Meena Shiv Table 42 (cash prize of Rs 5000)

Duet round winners were Ravi & Meena Table 42 (cash prize of Rs 10000)

Duet round runners up were Megha and Vishal Table 95 (cash prize of Rs 5000)

We had Film Actor Partiban, Film Actor Arun Vijay, TV personality Fathima Babu, Singer Unnikrishnan, Sports personality JK Mahindra, Karate Exponent Shihan Hussaini, Anita Raj and several other celebrities and dignitaries who graced the occasion. Judges were Mammathy Chari, Airtel Super Singer Nikhil, Shafi, Music Director Adityan, Singers Rajalakshmi, Swapna Abraham, Devan and Raghav (TV Star) & Preetha

From the Round Table India and Area board Shivkumar Eashwaran, IPP, Mona Shangavi LCI President, Rajesh Gupta Area Chairman, Sandeep AHT, Pravin Area Secretary Treasurer, Minna Hanif LC Area Officer, National Conveners, Area Board Executives attended the function.

The event was supported by Hindustan College of Engineering as the major sponsor and Vivek & Co, Light Roof Properties Pvt Ltd., Floors India, Deutsche Bank, Aadya Creations, Cholamandalam Distribution Ltd as Co sponsors.

Special Mention and Hearty appreciation to Table 104 and 167 from Pondicherry . We had 26 registrations from Pondicherry .

Table 95 won the Fellowship award
Amit Saiya of Table 95 won the Most popular singer award

Friday, February 22, 2008

Publicity Campaign - RT 30- Tr. Satish Kumar

Madras Mylapore RoundTable 3 is proud to announce, our publicity initiative tie up with UNICEF , with actor KAMAL HASSAN as brand ambassador, for our joint campaign in support of HIV affected patients. The hoardings for the campaign are currently up at Kotturpuram bridge, Chetpet bridge and Nelson Manikam Road(opp loyola college). Many more hoardings are expected to be up during Feb/March.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Herewith enclosed some of the Photos of the Final Match played at Mayajaal ( Thanks Chairman Tr Satish Mmrt 3 for getting us the Ground) for the MERT 30 Annual Cricket Championships which the teams really enjoyed Playing and fought till the last

The Winners of the Tournament 2007-08 are Mmrt 3…. ( one close match against Mmrt42), Best batsmen – Tr Anantha (42), Best bowler – Tr Ravi ( 42) and Best fellowship Trophy – Mmrt 3.

I would also like to Thank Area 2 Hon Tr Sundeep Somani, Area 2 Chairman Tr Rajesh Gupta for being there to give the Prizes.

I hope you All Enjoyed Playing the matches as we enjoyed Organising the same.

Thanking you,

Your friend for life,

( Chairman.. Mert 30)

Note: Check out the Car which was brought by Sq leg Mani and the history for having the privelge of the winning team take a Snap.

RT 162 - Area Idol Contest - Tr. Ashok Verghese

Party Time at 162 - Celebrating the Awards - Tr. Ashok Verghese

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A-II Hits a Hundred - 100 Blogs Up

100 Blogs.
Area II, on the Road to Friendship.
Salaam, Area II

Dear Tablers,

Warm greetings from the Area 2 Board !!

It is fantastic that we have now a 100 write ups,uploads and reports since its opening in December.

I wish to congratulate my Convenor Tr Kaushik who has done such an outstanding job in getting to put up this most effective Area Blog of Round Table India. Let me tell you guys the other Area Blogs are yet to reach over 50 reportings.Toast to TrKaushik.

This shows how are tables are keen on giving their internal publicity to the Blog and also it shows how active our Area has been in my six months as Area Chairman of Area 2.

Guys this has been such an effective way of sending out activities in your Table that it has even motivated a few Tables/Tablers to work better after they go through the articles.Not to forget the jokes and fun articles has always given a a lighter moment.

Tablers please carry on on reorting and sending in articles,suggestions ,jokes anything you feel is good for the forus. You can be sure it will come up on it and lets continue this very effective way of communication which adds choice to us.

Its great to note as per the Blog I have only 29 week to go.



Rajesh Gupta
Area Chairman - Area 2

Rajman Vanijya
123, Linghi Chetty Street,
Chennai - 600 001
Phone : 25268172
Mobile : 98410 - 71733

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

40 Tios - Tr. Siva RT 94

40 tips for a Happy and Healthy life :

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.
3. Record your late night shows and get more sleep.
4. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, "My purpose is to____ today."
5. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
6. Watch more movies, play more games and read more books than you did in 2007.
7. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, tai chi, and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.
8. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
9. Dream more while you are awake.
10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
11. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds & walnuts .
12. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
13. Clear your clutter from your house, your car, your desk and let new and flowing energy into your life .
14. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
15. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
16. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid.
17. Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energy vampires away.
18. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
20. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does .
21. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
22. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
23. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about .
24. Burn the candles, use the nice bed sheets, Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. What other people think of you is none of your business .
29. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time .
30. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. So stop complaining about the weather, the job, the rents etc etc
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
32. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
33. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
34. The best is yet to come.
35. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
36. Do the right thing!
37. Call your family often.
38. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: " am thankful for ___." Today I accomplished ____.
39. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
40. Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast pass. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride.

Our duty is to encourage everyone in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the idea as near as possible to the truth - Swami Vivekananda

Rt 30 - Republica Day Celebrations - Tr. Ajay Khanna

Monday, February 11, 2008

Whats happening on HR@ A-II - Tr. Punit Sampat - RT 95

What’s Happening on the HR front -AREA 2.

Reach Another Level - ThinkPad--III @ area 2-Hr news letter #3 07-08.


A Better YOU!
Leadership - Colin Powell Leadership.
Effective Presentation Skills –Public speaking etc.

- Develop Style and Confidence
- Develop skills to Project Powerfully and - - Present with Words, Voice tone and Body Language that is Clear, Concise and Confident

Excellent TIME & STRESS Management for Busy Tablers
Improve Your Personal Effectiveness

Make Time and Save Time Tips
& Eliminate Stress
& Maintain Work-life Balance

Couples Module - Primarily an focus on better relationships between Couples.
WIFE -HUSBAND ROLES in daily life.


Lessons from the geese -TEAM WORK WORKS.
Noah's Ark -TEAM WORK.
Problems VS Opportunities -Perceptions.
Rich Vs Poor Perceptions -Winning -losing -Outlook.
Six Hats -EASY,RIGHT and fast decisions.
Stay Positive - Thinking Positive and right .
Who moved my CHEESE.
MART 100 an INTERNATIONAL HR session conducted by a UK tabler on -Tr.Brad "YOU CAN DO IT and principles of Tabling ".

1.PHRT 167 - A short session for Tablers Thru Mr.Rangarajan of ALMA MATER"Do i need a reason to be happy"

1.PRRT 104 -A short session for Tablers Thru Mr.Rangarajan of ALMA MATER"Do i need a reason to be happy"
MSRT 159 - Effective Communication,LEADERSHIP and traits of good leaders- TEAM WORK WORKS - Conducted by Tr.Punit Sampat and Tr.Vinay Grandhi.
MRT 42- A sunday with GYAN -Tr Sumit (HR Conveyer of RTI 42) “achieving instant happiness” and a “mental model of decision making”. “The art of speed reading people” by Mr. David Wallack, who is an expert practioner of NLP and MBTI facilitator.
1.MMRT -95 - Trance therapy and self relaxtion and mind mapping thru de -stress and transci meditation by Dr. Rishi Tiwari - MBBS, CPH, MSc, Occupational Health Fica (USA), MRSH (London) and Former Director of Health, TOHS – Tanzania.
2.Two minute talks every meeting.

.1.MKRT 181 “Self Growth- by being your own friend” by
Dr.G.L.Sampoorna a psychologist and a professional Trainer


- Mastering Top Habits for Top Leaders
- Powerful Speech-crafting Techniques
- Professional Excellence & Business Etiquette
- Ensuring Effective & Productive Table MEETINGS
- Outbound Team Building (Planned for March 2008)

Punit Sampat. (Mmrt 95).,
Area Hr Convenor Area 2-07-08.+919840915797
Area II HR team - NHT Ravi Ramachandran T-3/Tr.Amit Saiya -T-95/Tr.Prabhat Shreevastav T-100/Tr.Varinder Singh T-30/Tr.Vinay Grandhi T-181/Tr.Sriram R.R. T-95/Tr.Raj Kr Kanoi T-95.

Area Idol 2008 - Tr. Ashok RT 162

Dear Tablers & Friends in Tabling,

The time of the year has arrived yet again. 162's moment of pride.....AREA 2 IDOL. It is my pleasure to invite all my friends to our gala Program.

I am once again forwarding my Vice Chairman's mail which very clearly outlines the details of the Progam. I will be calling all of you personally to clock in your entries for the event. Looks like there are gonna be prizes for one & all.

I have introduced the Duet Awards this year. I am sure this will add to the Fellowship which we all enjoy the most. I can almost hear the couples already.

Read on friends ...................

Area 2 Idol Signature event of MCRT 162 Combines Fellowship, Publicity, Inter table activity and Fund raiser. Get identified as a Star amongst us in Area 2. Event covered by media and TV channels. Total Cash Prize doubled to Rs 45000. NEWRunner up Cash PrizesDuet Round - Winner & Runner Categories BEST SINGER � MALE � WINNER � Rs 10000BEST SINGER � MALE � RUNNER UP � Rs 5000 BEST SINGER � FEMALE � Rs 10000 BEST SINGER � FEMALE � RUNNER UP � Rs 5000 DUET ROUND � MALE � WINNER � Rs 5000DUET ROUND � MALE � RUNNER UP � Rs 2500 DUET ROUND � FEMALE � WINNER � Rs 5000DUET ROUND � FEMALE � RUNNER UP � Rs 2500 Date24th February 2008VenueHotel Accord MetropolitanTime5:00 pm onwards. Competition open to all Tablers, HT's, Circlers, HC's and Wives of Tablers. Other AwardsMost Popular singer Fellowship Table The contest is only open to Tamil & Hindi film songs and involves 3 rounds. Round 1: Entry Round: All the registered contestants will sing the first two paragraphs of a song of your choice accompanied by orchestra. The judges will shortlist 6 singers each from Male and Female category to the second round Round 2: Light Music Round : The contestants will sing a light musical song of their choice ( Tamil or Hindi) accompanied by live Orchestra. The judges will further shortlist 3 singers from each category to the Final round. Final Round : Semi Classical Round : The contestant will sing a semi classical song of their choice Special Duet Round: There is no preliminary round in this category, only a single song for the duet round is taken. As a first step, you would need to complete the attached application form and return to us by e mail on and Entries close on11th Feb 2008. Practice Session with the Live Band on 19th FebruaryTime 10 AmVenue : Hotel Savera We also need the songs to be recorded in a CD that should reach us latest by the 12th Feb 08 (address mentioned below), reason being the Music troupe needs to practice session before the rehearsals on 19th Feb. Please ensure that the name and Table number is written on the CD. Please note that earlier winners of Area 2 Idol (last three years), both categories Male and Female are not eligible to participate in the individual rounds, however they can participate in the SPECIAL DUET ROUND. CDs to be sent to either of the addresses:
Mrs Meera Prem Ganesh39 B Block, Anna Nagar EastChennai 600 102
Mr Darshan M.Kumar2 A Sudson Labelle Apartments93, Harrington Road
Chetpet, Chennai 600 031

May the best singer/s win.

All the best
C 162 ;)

The Mind of Unmarried South Indian Man - Tr. Siva RT 94

The travails of single South Indian men of conservative upbringing ...This is hilarious... you will laugh all through this if you get it... Subject: "The travails of single South Indian men of conservativeupbringing" OR "Why we don't get any..."Yet another action packed weekend in Mumbai, full of fun, frolic andintrospection. I have learnt many things. For example having money whennone of your friends have any is as good as not having any. And afterspending much time in movie theatres, cafes and restaurants I havegathered many insights into the endless monotony that is the love life of south Indian men. What I have unearthed is most disheartening.Disheartening because comprehension of these truths will not change ourstatus anytime soon. However there is also cause for joy. We never stood a chance anyway. What loads the dice against virile, gallant, welleducated, good looking, sincere mallus and tams? (Kanadus were onceamong us, but Bangalore has changed all that.) Our futures are shot tohell as soon as our parents bestow upon us names that are anything but alluring. I cannot imagine a more foolproof way of making sure the childremains single till classified advertisements or that maternal uncle inSan Francisco thinks otherwise.Name him "Parthasarathy Venkatachalapthy" and his inherent capability to combat celibacy is obliterated before he could even talk. He will growto be known as Partha. Before he knows, his smart, seductively namednorthy classmates start calling him Paratha. No woman in their rightminds will go anyway near poor Parthasarathy. His investment banking jobdoesn't help either. His employer loves him though. He has no personallife you see.By this time the Sanjay Singhs and Bobby Khans from his class have small businesses of their own and spend 60% of their lives in discos and pubs.The remaining 40% is spent coochicooing with leather and denim cladmuses in their penthouse flats on Nepean Sea Road. Business is safely in the hands of the Mallu manager.After all with a name like Blossom Babykutty he can't use his 30000salary anywhere. Blossom gave up on society when in school theyautomatically enrolled him for Cookery Classes. Along with all the girls.Yes my dear reader, nomenclature is the first nail in a coffin ofneglect and hormonal pandemonium. In a kinder world they would just namethe poor southern male child and throw him off the balcony. "Yes Appa we have named him Goundamani..." THUD. Life would have been less kinder tohim anyway.If all the women the Upadhyays, Kumars, Pintos and, god forbid, the Sensand Roys in the world have met were distributed amongst the Arunkumars, Vadukuts and Chandramogans we would all be merry casanovas with 3 to 4pretty things at each arm. But alas it is not to be. Of course the southIndian women have no such issues. They have names which are like sweet poetry to the ravenous northie hormone tanks. Picture this: "Welcome,and this is my family. This is my daughter Poorni (what a sweet name!!)and my son Ponnalagusamy (er.. hello..). ." Cyanide would not be fast enough for poor Samy.Nothing Samy does will help him. He can pump iron, drive fast cars andwear snazzy clothes, but against a braindead dude called Arjun Singhaniahe has as much chance of getting any as a Benedictine Monk in a Saharan Seminary.Couple this with the other failures that have plagued our existence. Anyattempt at spiking hair with gel fails miserably. In an hour I have acrown of greasy, smelly fibrous mush. My night ends there. However the northy just has to scream "Wakaw!!!" and you have to peel the women offhim to let him breathe.In a disco while we can manage the medium hip shake with neck curls,once the Bhangra starts pumping we are as fluid as cement and gravel in a mixer. Karan Kapoor or Jatin Thapar in the low cut jeans with chaddistrap showing and see through shirt throws his elbows perfectly, thecynosure of all attention.The women love a man who digs pasta and fondue. But why do they not see the simple pleasures of curd rice and coconut chutney? When poorSenthilnathan opens his tiffin box in the office lunchroom his femalecoworkers just disappear when they see the tamarind rice and poppadums.They have all rematerialised around Bobby Singh who has ordered in Pizza and Garlic bread. (And they have the gall to talk of foreign origin.)How can a man like me brought up in roomy lungis and oversized polyestershirts ever walk the walk in painted on jeans (that makes a bigimpression) and neon yellow rib hugging t shirts? All I can do is don myworn "comfort fit" jeans and floral shirt. Which is pretty low on theLook at me lady" scale, just above fig leaf skirt and feather headgear a la caveman, and a mite below Khakhi Shirt over a red t-shirt and baggykhakhi pants and white trainers a la Rajni in "Badshah".Sociologically too the tam or mallu man is severely sidelined. An average tam stud stays in a house with, on average, three grandparents,three sets of uncles and aunts, and over 10 children. Not the idealatmosphere for some intimacy and some full throated "WHOSE YOURDADDY!!!" at the 3 in the morning. The mallu guy of course is almostalways in the Gulf working alone on some onshore oil rig in the desert.Rheumatic elbows me thinks.Alas dear friends we are not just meant to set the nights on fire. We are just not built to be "The Ladies Man". The black man has hip hop,the white man has rock, the southie guy only has idlis and tomato rasamor an NRI account in South Indian Bank Ernakulam Branch. Alas as our destiny was determined in one fell swoop by our nomenclature, so willour future be.A nice arranged little love story. But the agony of course does not endthere. On the first night, as the stud sits on his bed finally within touching distance and whispers his sweet desires into her delectable ear, she blushes, turns around and whispers back "But Amma has said onlyon second saturdays..."

Fun Pics - Tr Siva RT 94

In a hurry


High Al Loo


Cops at Work


Bad Judgement

Mobile Music