Area II - Thoughts, Inspirations & Perspirations


Friday, December 28, 2007

Inter-Area Fellowship - MKRT 181 / BRT 7 / BNRT 125

Dated: 24-12-07
Dear Friends and Tablers,
Greetings from MKRT 181.
I am herewith sending you a report on the joint fellowship that we (MKRT 181) had with BRT -7 and BNRT -25 (AREA 6).

The idea was initiated by MKRT 181 to have a joint fellowship with tables of AREA 6. The theme for the fellowship night was .OM SHANTHI OM. where all tablers were asked to come dressed in the Retro Look. The same was well attended by all the tablers, circlers and twinklers of MKRT 181 and BRT 7. We started the night at about 9.30 pm with a meeting of BRT 7 and followed it up the fellowship. There was some nice music being played for the night.
We had some excellent introduction of all tablers and circlers and also had organized a few games as ice breakers.
The party went well beyond the stipulated closure time as none of the tablers/circlers were ready to budge. The same also gave MKRT 181 an insight as to how other tables function. This has been an exercise from 181 to build goodwill and friendship with other areas of Round Table India as we are relatively a new table of AREA 2.
It was also decided that BRT 7 would visit Chennai next year to continue the bonding and fellowship that has started among the 2 tables.

Rajiv Shah
Chairman 07-08
Madras Knights Round Table 181

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