Area II - Thoughts, Inspirations & Perspirations


Saturday, April 12, 2008

RT 100 - Project - Heart 2 Heart, Healing Little Hearts. Tr. Prabhat - RT 100

Greetings from MART 100 !!

We are proud to announce the launch of our Project – “Heart 2 Heart – Healing Little Hearts” in partnership with Frontier Lifeline – Dr. K.M. Cherian Heart Foundation wherein we are partnering in order to identify underprivileged children with Heart Ailments and provide them necessary surgical operations at a subsidized cost.

This alliance will launch Project Heart 2 Heart with a free heart care camp for children on Sunday the 13th of April at Geetha Bhavan, 334, Lloyds’ Road, Royapettah, Chennai-86. This camp will facilitate detection of various heart ailments like holes in the heart, complex “Blue Baby” conditions and valvular heart disease. The tests conducted at the camp will include weight, blood pressure, ECG (electrocardiography) and echocardiography, apart from consultation with the cardiologists and counselling by dieticians. The team of cardiologists from Frontier Lifeline, supported by paramedical and technical staff, will screen the children using facilities provided by the Frontier Mobile Cardiac Diagnostic Unit. This customized vehicle is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and instruments for the accurate and timely diagnosis of cardiac anomalies.

Frontier Lifeline and Madras Anchorage Round Table 100 aim to instil awareness that all children with recurrent chest infections, poor weight gain, unexplainable breathlessness and bluish discoloration of the hands and feet should be evaluated for heart problems. Children with heart diseases should be treated early so as to prevent irreversible damage to the heart and lungs. The other emphasis is on teaching the children about heart healthy diet and the need for regular exercises. The current trend of rapid westernization and sedentary lifestyle, where children have more fast food and indulge in video games / internet games, leads to childhood obesity which is growing to epidemic proportions worldwide. Educating the parents and their children on a heart-healthy lifestyle is a collective effort which finds a forum during initiatives such as this campaign.

We are also proud to announce that Mr. David T. Hopper, Consul General of the United States of America will be the chief guest and will mark open the Project on 13th April 2008.The Brand Ambassador for the project will be announced on that day. We take pleasure in inviting you for the inauguration of our dream Project “Heart 2 Heart”.

Please also find attached a scanned copy of the write up about this project in “Indian Express” today and more to come in the following days.

Thanks & Regards,

Tr. Prabhat Sreewastav RT 100
Dr. K.M. Cherian - Lifeline

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