Publicity efforts by MKRT -181
Hi tablers,
Greetings from Madras Knights Round Table 181.
This is to inform you that a well wisher of our long term School project (SIRAGU) has shot a short documentary on the running, background and infrastructure at the school.
The same is going to be screened at a theatre in Sathyam Complex called Seasons on the 18th May 2008 from 9.45 am onwards. Giving you some information of the place of screening, Sathyam Cinemas is the most happening cinema theatre in town and has multiple theatres in one complex. This complex has a foot fall of over 15,000 heads per day, the theatre where the movie is to be screened has a seating capacity of about 200 persons.
The documentary shot by Mr. Ramesh Mouthy and Raghu Jegannathan is for duration of 45 min. covering all aspects of the school and the trust in charge of running the school. We have invited all the Area 2 convenors from RTI and also the donors who have been supporting us or those who would be likely to support us in the future to have a insight on the project and to see the benefits of our contributions.
This is the first time that we at MKRT 181 have initiated such process to publicize the project. I take this opportunity to invite you and it would indeed be a pleasure to have all for the same.
Chairman 07-08
Rajiv Shah
Madras Knights Round Table - 181
Area II - Thoughts, Inspirations & Perspirations
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
PBA - MCRT 162-SPARTAN Basketball Camp - RT 162 - Tr. Ashok
PBA - MCRT 162-SPARTAN Basketball Camp
The two weeks Basketball coaching camp organised by the Professional Basket ball Academy and Spartan School in Association with Madras Coastal Round Table#162 got concluded on Tuesday, April 29, 2008.
W.I. Davaram, President - T.N.A.A Presided over the function. He congratulated the School Management for organising the camp along with the Professional Basketball Academy which is manned by former Indian Captains.
Rajesh Gupta, Area Chairman - Round Table India and the Chief Guest of the valedictory function said that he is happy that Madras Coastal Round table has come forward to support this Novel coaching camp.
The correspondent of the Spartan School Col Jacob Koshy said that his School students are lucky to get advanced training from the former Indian Captains Mathew Satya Babu and Jayasankar Menon and former Indian Railway player Ramalingam. He lauded their efforts and informed that School wants their help in moulding a good Basketball team.
The campers demonstrated various drills. The attraction of the program was the dribbling demo done by the junior campers with the baby of the camper Sayed, who received a basketball from W.I. Davaram as an appreciation. All the campers 60 campers received Certificate and special prizes from the dignitaries.
162 Implements another Akshara - Tr. Ashok
YI, CII and MCRT 162 jointly organized the Akshara learning method with the support of CENZA. The Launch of Yi Akshara at Panchayat union middle school, padur kelambakkam on 24-4-08.
MKRT 181 - Centenary Celebration

MKRT 181 celebrated its 100th meeting on the 3rd of May 2008 with a lot of fanfare
typical to the 181 style of doing things. We celebrated the moment by organizing a
business cum fellowship meet so as to have the flavor of both the meeting and
fellowship the later that we at MKRT 181 are famous for.
We at 181 had invited special chief guest and stalwarts of tabling to be a part of the
We invited:-
Mr. S.L. Chitale (founder member of round table in India and MRT 1 also A
Life Honorary Tabler of Round Table India)
Tr. Shivkumar Eashwaran (IPP of round table India, Chairman PACART
Mr. Kishore Sayani (First Area 2 Chairman)
Tr. Manish Bhanushali (NST Elect and HRD Convenor for the PACART
Tr. Rajesh Gupta (Area 2 Chairman)
It was the privilege and pleasure of MKRT 181 that these people agreed to grace the
occasion. It has very rarely happened that a table has had the privilege to host such
personality and for us at MKRT the youngest table in the area 2 it was an
achievement of sorts.
The event started slightly of schedule as in accordance with the tabling standards
but then on it was a smooth sail where we took all the tablers and dignitaries though
the journey of 100 meetings at MKRT and highlighted the achievements of each
year. The journey was presented by way of power point presentation and pictorial
After the usually formal meeting that we have at MKRT was the turn of fellowship
and the time for DJ to take over. The fellowship had there after was something to be
witnessed. As almost a rule at MKRT the part dont end late but due to the rules of
early shut down by the officials in chennai we had to shut down the bar at the
stipulated time however this was not to dampen our spirits as we sneaked in liquor
in water bottles and had fellowship till early hours.
The journey has just begun and I am sure MKRT 181 would reach great heights in
the years to come.
Rajiv Shah
Madras Knights Round Table 181
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