MKRT 181 celebrated its 100th meeting on the 3rd of May 2008 with a lot of fanfare
typical to the 181 style of doing things. We celebrated the moment by organizing a
business cum fellowship meet so as to have the flavor of both the meeting and
fellowship the later that we at MKRT 181 are famous for.
We at 181 had invited special chief guest and stalwarts of tabling to be a part of the
We invited:-
Mr. S.L. Chitale (founder member of round table in India and MRT 1 also A
Life Honorary Tabler of Round Table India)
Tr. Shivkumar Eashwaran (IPP of round table India, Chairman PACART
Mr. Kishore Sayani (First Area 2 Chairman)
Tr. Manish Bhanushali (NST Elect and HRD Convenor for the PACART
Tr. Rajesh Gupta (Area 2 Chairman)
It was the privilege and pleasure of MKRT 181 that these people agreed to grace the
occasion. It has very rarely happened that a table has had the privilege to host such
personality and for us at MKRT the youngest table in the area 2 it was an
achievement of sorts.
The event started slightly of schedule as in accordance with the tabling standards
but then on it was a smooth sail where we took all the tablers and dignitaries though
the journey of 100 meetings at MKRT and highlighted the achievements of each
year. The journey was presented by way of power point presentation and pictorial
After the usually formal meeting that we have at MKRT was the turn of fellowship
and the time for DJ to take over. The fellowship had there after was something to be
witnessed. As almost a rule at MKRT the part dont end late but due to the rules of
early shut down by the officials in chennai we had to shut down the bar at the
stipulated time however this was not to dampen our spirits as we sneaked in liquor
in water bottles and had fellowship till early hours.
The journey has just begun and I am sure MKRT 181 would reach great heights in
the years to come.
Rajiv Shah
Madras Knights Round Table 181
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