Manage Ur Time and Lead with good team work
The evening hours of 4th June 2008 at Court Yard Marriott, MKRT 181 experienced
an excellent insight by Tr.Prabhat, the current Chairman of MART 100 and one of the
RTI Trainers, covering two topics -Time Management & Team Work. Chairman
Rajiv opened the business meet and passed on the floor to me for the HR session
The session started with a small exercise and the Chairman had to give each and every
floor member a pet name. As he started naming the people, Prabhat asked each and
every participant this question “Were you here on time today for this HR session?”
and if the person said “Yes” he then asked them why were they on time, and in case
the answer was “No” he made that participant stand on the chair and just give the
reason why he was late and sit down again. This whole process was really very
entertaining and funny. Prabhat really got the floor energised by this exercise and
ready for a session on the topic “Time Management- The True Key to Success”. This
PPT was sent to me by our Area 2 HR convenor Tr.Punit who actually this year put
together some brilliant such PPT’s all on a CD and passed it on to each and every
table of Area2.
This PPT which was pretty self explanatory, where I facilitated the discussions and
Prabhat clarified the doubts. This session took about 45 minutes and was very
interesting because of the interaction within the floor and this in turn gave us an
insight on new methods/thoughts on Time Management. We discussed in depth some
dos and don’ts relating to this very important topic like -
Spend time on planning and organizing, Set goals, Prioritize, Use to do lists/
calendars/ task lists, Be flexible, Consider your biological prime time, Learn to
delegate the un-important tasks, Do the right thing right, Eliminate the urgent,
Practice the art of intelligent neglect, Avoid being a perfectionist, Conquer
procrastination, Learn to say “No” and Rewarding ones self for finishing on time.
As the session on this topic was coming to an end, Prabhat scribbled a few
mathematical sums on the white board having some simple additions, subtractions,
multiplications and divisions out of which many were wrong for eg- 6 * 5 = 35 and
then told the floor to point out their observations. Corrections and observations were
coming from all directions and Prabhat let this happen for about 5 minutes without
speaking a word and then finally told the floor a thing which was an awesome Point
Maker and it was –Imagine that the white board with all these sums as a single
individual and carried on saying that –
Why does one always first point out only mistakes and not the rights? That he asked
us to give your observations and all of us started only with negatives and not the
positives. Not one individual pointed out the correct sums on the board. ? The whole
floor was awe struck for a moment and understood that this is a common human
phenomenon, and hence we should accept them for all their positives and jointly work
on changing their negatives. Through this Point maker Prabhat lead the floor in to the
“The Story of the Geese” a topic related to Team Work. By now the session was
getting more and more interesting and I can say we had the 100% attention of the
This PPT again was again very informative and it made many members of the floor
contribute to related discussions and it was wonderful to see all the knights having a
great time. The take away lessons from this session were-
1. People who are part of a team and share a common direction will get going quickly
and easily.
2. It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership. As with geese,
people are interdependent on each other’s skills, capabilities and unique arrangement
of gifts, talents and resources.
3. We need to make sure our honking is encouraging, In groups where there is
encouragement, the production is much great.
4. If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as
well as when we are strong.
After this PPT, we discussed some of the core points of team work and leadership
and related it to tabling. Later we were all asked to assemble together and throw our
left shoe away from us. When Prabhat told the floor to do this every body was pretty
puzzled. Then we were all instructed to turn and walk back wards towards where all
the left shoes were thrown and were asked to wear any shoe other than our own and
then come back to our original position. This process made every body relax after an
interesting knowledgeable session. Now after every body came back to their original
positions we were asked to stand to the left of the person who was wearing our left
shoe. This process made people think and mull over what to do and finally the
solution came “Stand in a circle” from one Tabler and every body listened to it and it
worked out.
Message here was - When a problem given on hand, Discuss it, work on solving it,
follow the ideas coming out in the group and one will certainly work. The group who
will learn to follow the individual who is confident to lead will always win. With this
point maker Prabhat closed the session by wishing our table all the best.
Our Chairman scheduled an hour for this session but we almost did it for two hours
and may be we could have pulled on a little longer but since we needed to get back to
the other important agendas pending for the business meet Chairman thanked
Tr.Prabahat for his time to conduct this session for MKRT 181 and appreciated the
way it was done.
Tr.Vinay Grandhi, Area 2 HR team
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