WHOA! it has taken nearly a week to recover from the AREA 2 TEXT 2008-09.
The set of incoming chairmen and secretaries had as it is been well primed by the suggestive mails of the incoming area chairman .These mails were not only thought provoking but also went in to record and welcome a amazing set of new leaders taking up responsibalities in RTI.
The Text had so been arrainged that all the chairman and the secretaries travel together from Chennai to Pondicherry in a van to the luxorious resort.Tablers being tablers had some awesome fellowship and really creative discussions enroute to Pondy.Some gyan was really shared and exchanged on the style and manner of function of tables within our area itself.Some really surprising new styles were learnt .
We reached Pondicherry to be joined by the 3 set of table leaders from pondy tables and meet our trainers for the TEXT Tr.Sanjay Kondaas and Sq Leg Sivabal with the assistance of your truly Punit Sampat Area Hr Convenor AREA 2 .
The session kicked of with a different style of introduction of the participants much to the reluctance of Sanjay but extremly enjoyable and hilarious session.The ice breaker was infact one of the highlights of the evnt and kept the whole weekend on a different note.After this we jumped into serious working immdiatly despite the groaning stomachs and the long road journey just completed.We screened the motivator and the thought provoking movoe"even eagles need a pus".The movie was of course run in parts ,with we taking up discussions every now and then on the important aspects such as self appreciation,vision,goal setting ,contribution etc.,
Post this we broke for a quick lunch i guess aroun 3 p.m.The quick lunch continued in to the secretary and the chairman's module and these intresting sessions had the new leaders involved and we did not realise the speed at which time flew to 8.30 p.m.
Here we broke up to freshen up and before the same case studies were given for the various groups along with some rib tickling and crazy topic for the fellowship informal evening ,rather night session of team building and relaxtion exercises.These specially designed exercises had the participants at thier fun loving and creative best.They partying and the fellowship went late into the night,i guess the last people to leave the lawn were around 3 a.m. in the morning.
Much to our delight and surprise we had the whole group up and ready to go by 9.45 a.m.
The 2 nd morning session we had lined along with the case study presentation a huge line of eminent speakers from
Pacart president -Tr.Shivkumar Eshwaran,President elect RTI - Tr.Pranay Trivedi,AC.Tr.Rajesh Gupta,Ast Praveen and the tele confrence with RTI president Tr.Ajay Handa .And with all these we had some indetail discussion on topics of case study and also were witness to the plans of the AC elect - Tr.Sakthivel Raja.Some path breaking ideas were generated,discussed and some amazing feedback was taken back home by all ,i.e.Nex,Aex and the table leaders.
The huge morning session lasted nearly the full day to conclude the event with a Pep talk from the Trainers at 3 p.m.
Thanks to
Pacart president -Tr.Shivkumar Eshwaran,President elect RTI - Tr.Pranay Trivedi,AC.Tr.Rajesh Gupta,Ast Praveen,present in spirits RTI president Tr.Ajay Handa,Ac elect Tr.sakthi vel Raja and the trainer for the TEXT.Tr.Sanjay Kondaas and Sq Leg Sivabal.
Thanks and Rgds.,
Punit Sampat.,
Area Hr Convenor -07-08.
Chairman Elect MMRT 95-08-09.
p.s. -The above report does not go into intense detailing as the Text programme is a common set of systems,but in case any body wants details on any of the specific activities carried out do not hesitate in shooting out questions.
The set of incoming chairmen and secretaries had as it is been well primed by the suggestive mails of the incoming area chairman .These mails were not only thought provoking but also went in to record and welcome a amazing set of new leaders taking up responsibalities in RTI.
The Text had so been arrainged that all the chairman and the secretaries travel together from Chennai to Pondicherry in a van to the luxorious resort.Tablers being tablers had some awesome fellowship and really creative discussions enroute to Pondy.Some gyan was really shared and exchanged on the style and manner of function of tables within our area itself.Some really surprising new styles were learnt .
We reached Pondicherry to be joined by the 3 set of table leaders from pondy tables and meet our trainers for the TEXT Tr.Sanjay Kondaas and Sq Leg Sivabal with the assistance of your truly Punit Sampat Area Hr Convenor AREA 2 .
The session kicked of with a different style of introduction of the participants much to the reluctance of Sanjay but extremly enjoyable and hilarious session.The ice breaker was infact one of the highlights of the evnt and kept the whole weekend on a different note.After this we jumped into serious working immdiatly despite the groaning stomachs and the long road journey just completed.We screened the motivator and the thought provoking movoe"even eagles need a pus".The movie was of course run in parts ,with we taking up discussions every now and then on the important aspects such as self appreciation,vision,goal setting ,contribution etc.,
Post this we broke for a quick lunch i guess aroun 3 p.m.The quick lunch continued in to the secretary and the chairman's module and these intresting sessions had the new leaders involved and we did not realise the speed at which time flew to 8.30 p.m.
Here we broke up to freshen up and before the same case studies were given for the various groups along with some rib tickling and crazy topic for the fellowship informal evening ,rather night session of team building and relaxtion exercises.These specially designed exercises had the participants at thier fun loving and creative best.They partying and the fellowship went late into the night,i guess the last people to leave the lawn were around 3 a.m. in the morning.
Much to our delight and surprise we had the whole group up and ready to go by 9.45 a.m.
The 2 nd morning session we had lined along with the case study presentation a huge line of eminent speakers from
Pacart president -Tr.Shivkumar Eshwaran,President elect RTI - Tr.Pranay Trivedi,AC.Tr.Rajesh Gupta,Ast Praveen and the tele confrence with RTI president Tr.Ajay Handa .And with all these we had some indetail discussion on topics of case study and also were witness to the plans of the AC elect - Tr.Sakthivel Raja.Some path breaking ideas were generated,discussed and some amazing feedback was taken back home by all ,i.e.Nex,Aex and the table leaders.
The huge morning session lasted nearly the full day to conclude the event with a Pep talk from the Trainers at 3 p.m.
Thanks to
Pacart president -Tr.Shivkumar Eshwaran,President elect RTI - Tr.Pranay Trivedi,AC.Tr.Rajesh Gupta,Ast Praveen,present in spirits RTI president Tr.Ajay Handa,Ac elect Tr.sakthi vel Raja and the trainer for the TEXT.Tr.Sanjay Kondaas and Sq Leg Sivabal.
Thanks and Rgds.,
Punit Sampat.,
Area Hr Convenor -07-08.
Chairman Elect MMRT 95-08-09.
p.s. -The above report does not go into intense detailing as the Text programme is a common set of systems,but in case any body wants details on any of the specific activities carried out do not hesitate in shooting out questions.
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