Hello Friends,
The current status of accomodation for SPINN is as follows.
Accomodation Status
Some Rooms Available
Some Rooms Available
Some Rooms Available
Some Rooms Available
Some Rooms Available
Vista Do Rio
Few Rooms Available
Resort Parrraizo
New Property now being offered for Rs.3,500 per night
Regards,Kumar H, SPINN Convenor
Area II - Thoughts, Inspirations & Perspirations
Friday, November 30, 2007
162's Green Effort - Tr. Satish, Convener Projects, MCRT 162
We at Madras Coastal Round Table 162 have come up with a new initiative during the RTI Week this year to promote and support the Green Belt development to counter Global warming. We are confident and quite sure that this will go a long way and reach greater heights and steer home greater awareness among the vibrant Tables of the dynamic Area 2.
We shall be pleased to donate 25 numbers of saplings free of cost to all the 18 Tables in AREA - 2. To facilitate easy and faster deliveries, these saplings could also be delivered to any location (One location per Table) preferred by the table (within chennai limits). It is intended to deliver the saplings in three lots after receipt of confirmation.
If any of the Tables require more saplings, it is requested to be intimated so that the same could be delivered along with the free saplings . However these additional saplings would be on extra cost basis. If the extra requirements are clubbed, we could save on the transportation and logistics made easier.
As a token of your acceptance, we request you to send a mail or letter specifying your requirements for our contribution with details of delivery address / contact person name, contact number for planning dispatches accordingly.
Please do send in your mail to us and go green today !!!!!
Tr. Sathish Kumar GV
Projects Convener - MCRT - 162 (2007 - 2008)
We shall be pleased to donate 25 numbers of saplings free of cost to all the 18 Tables in AREA - 2. To facilitate easy and faster deliveries, these saplings could also be delivered to any location (One location per Table) preferred by the table (within chennai limits). It is intended to deliver the saplings in three lots after receipt of confirmation.
If any of the Tables require more saplings, it is requested to be intimated so that the same could be delivered along with the free saplings . However these additional saplings would be on extra cost basis. If the extra requirements are clubbed, we could save on the transportation and logistics made easier.
As a token of your acceptance, we request you to send a mail or letter specifying your requirements for our contribution with details of delivery address / contact person name, contact number for planning dispatches accordingly.
Please do send in your mail to us and go green today !!!!!
Tr. Sathish Kumar GV
Projects Convener - MCRT - 162 (2007 - 2008)
World Aids Day - MCRT 162
Dear Tablers,
Kindly find attached the Program details of todays World Aids Program jointly conducted by MCRT 162, Hindustan College of Engineering & Anna University. More than 100 Colleges in & around Chennai will be participating in todays event.
Anna Unviersity has selected our campus for organising this grand program as "WE" have been quite active in the conduct of many socially relevant programs.....all thanks to Tabling & its members. If any of u want to attend today program pls call me 98400 93938 & I will receive you @ our campus. It is 25 kms on the OMR. Anyways pls do call me.
MCRT 162
Kindly find attached the Program details of todays World Aids Program jointly conducted by MCRT 162, Hindustan College of Engineering & Anna University. More than 100 Colleges in & around Chennai will be participating in todays event.
Anna Unviersity has selected our campus for organising this grand program as "WE" have been quite active in the conduct of many socially relevant programs.....all thanks to Tabling & its members. If any of u want to attend today program pls call me 98400 93938 & I will receive you @ our campus. It is 25 kms on the OMR. Anyways pls do call me.
MCRT 162
Join with
to observe
On 30-11-07 Friday at M.G.R Hall,
Hindustan College of Engineering
Bay range campus. Padur
Dr.Ranganathan, M.D
(Chettinad Hospital)
Will be the Chief Guest.
N.S.S. Co-ordinator, Anna University,
Will distribute the prizes.
Dr.Francis.C.Peter P.Manivannan,
Principal. N.S.S Programme officer
Date: 30.11.07
Venue: M.G.R. Hall
10.00 -10.30AM Registration
10.30-12.00PM Competition
1. Painting
(Stop aids keep the promise)
2. Essay Writing (English & Tamil)
(Prevention & control of aids)
3. Oratorical contest (English & Tamil)
(Role of youth of fight of aids)
12.00-12.45PM Guest Lecture on ‘Aids Awareness’
By Mr.P.Dhandapani
Field Officer,Red Ribbon Club
12.45-1.00PM Prize Distribution
1.00-2.00PM Lunch
2.30 - 4.30PM Flag off by Chief Guest
Rally from Padur to Kelambakkam
Thursday, November 29, 2007
MARDI GRAS 2007 - Tr. R R Sriram MMRT 95
Madras Metro Round Table # 95 in AREA 2 has a nasty reputation and is nick named as the fellowship table. Its strong bonding and amazing close knitness is the awe of all other tablers. We had been considering for a long time that it was high time that the Table take up some responsibility and prove to the fellow Tablers of Area 2 of the same.
When we initially took up the task it looked like we had undertaken a mammoth task. Had we bitten of much more than what we were capable of chewing? Would we able to deliver? But nevertheless since we had taken the fall we decided to leave no stone unturned ,no avenue un explored to ensure that the tablers of AREA 2 get one hell of an AGM , or later on as some Tablers called it “The mother of all AGM’s ever not only in area 2 but across RTI also.
A huge amount of planning and precise execution of the same was one of the highlights of the whole event. Another commendable feature was the amazing co-ordination and mind boggling TEAM work by all the tablers and h.t’s of MMRT 95.Not one of the 502, yes I repeat 502 guests registered for the two day event had any opportunity to complain. They were all treated to 48 hours of absolute service and royal treatment by the Tablers of MMRT 95.
Now for the details of the event as such
On day one, AGM session started of on 11.00 am. And ware very well attended by the Tablers at The Accord Metropolitan. The National Observer was Tr.Himanshu Gupta, NST and the Chief Guest being our own IPP Tr.Shivkumar Eashwaran. The AGM session was quite long, thanks to the 6 motion being debated by our Area Vice Chairman Tr.Rajesh Gupta. Tablers actively participated in the proceedings of the AGM. AST.Suresh Soni's Secretary Report was well presented with giving details of the achievement of Area 2 during the year. Area Chairman Tr.Giridhar Raj to save time had very smartly handed over his mementos to his conveners as an when their report was brought up. This added a bit more color to the AGM session and also lengthened the proceedings much to the anxiety of the hotel and hosts. But how ever all that begins well ends well the Agm session got over by nearly 3 p.m. with a session of Seargenting by Tr.Shiva & Tr.Sandy taking a good big dig at the Head table of the area and keeping every one in splits .Towards the end the sargeanting sounded more like a stand up comedy show where anywhere found standing was made to bear the brunt of the sergeants.
The Highlight of the AGM was the Informal Night for which the whole Basement of Accord Metropolitan was reserved. The whole place was transformed into a South American "Mardi Gras" festivities street in RIO DE JENIRO. The Night décor ,competitions ,dress codes,party masks and beads all being synonymous with theme of the evening and the AGM it self.
Mardi gras which stands for a celebration of life and celebration of colors was brought out in its true spirits. The hosts MMRT 95 took in great pains and some humongous efforts in ensuring that no stone was unturned, no detail was missed out. From faced painters to stilt walkers to photo shoot props to future readers to masks to beads to exotic cocktails everything was planned.
And to add a feather to an already cap full of accomplishments of the hosts. They had done an unbelievable act, they had actually called a set of three dancers all the way from RIO DE JENIRO.Yes these were the same dancers that had performed at the last MARDI GRAS at Brazil.
And what more these exclusive dancers were ready to pose with the tablers of area 2 in the special photo ops props prepared especially for the event. Instant pictures were available for the benefit of the tablers mounted in a specially designed memorabilia frame.
The Agm hosts had assured as per their theme that this would turn out to be ‘THE AGM OF A LIFE TIME”
And truly to the above words the informal night it self left the tablers waiting for more and more that kept coming as we went on deep into the night .The contest for the tables for the evening "Dance of the world" performances were intercepted by some amazing and hot dance numbers by these foreign dancers and at the same time intercepted by some super fun spot contests by the MC of the evening. We had 8 Tables preparing for over 10 days to perform their dance which represented the theme.
The Competition was really close and the celebrity judges had a hard time judging the best Table. But since every contest needs to have winners almost all teams took home prizes in some category or the other.
Teams were selected based on the dance/costumes/variety/co-ordination/speed etc. While this was going on in one hall of the venue a live band set was ensured in another hall for the not so young tablers.The live band was belting out numbers from the 80’s and quieter drinks and less colorful cocktails added to the pleasure of the tablers in this hall.
Another hall was dedicated to the Twinklers who wanted their own space. Some amazing snacks and entertainment was provided for them. Also the hosts had taken extra care that baby sitter and beds were available for the twinklers of area 2.
The Informal night MARDI GRAS true to its reputation went on into the wee hours in the morning. Tablers were seen enjoying a sumptuous meal only we couldn’t define the same whether it was dinner, supper or breakfast.
The Evening Chairman’s Banquet the next day was a glittering one of the Taj corromandal ball room. Every Tabler & Circler dressed to the best formal clothing. The stage being one of the biggest with a sitting for over 16 heads and in addition it had a ramp so that every award winner or tabler being recognized for his services to the movement would walk the walk of life in the spotlight in front of his fellow Tablers for a longer and better viewed perspective . The presentation of awards was done very uniquely with each winner being crowned and being dressed up in royal robes before he would come forward to receive the award. This added to the formal setting and the color of the event as such. The stage it self was set up in a unique décor that added to the mood and the setting for the formal clothes and the occasion of the CHAIRMANS Banquet to culminate a fine year in the history of tabling in area 2 RTI.
The respective Area Convener was called forward to present the awards and the Winners when they took the ramp were crowned and robed before receiving the award each awardee was welcomed onto the stage with a specially lit spotlight focused on him and aptly chosen lead music.
The moment of the AGM was when the Change of jewel took place. We had 21 past Area Chairman Standing together and are the jewels were past from one past Chairman to the next and in the end we had Chairman Giridhar Raj hand over the jewel to Tr.Rajesh Gupta .
This moment when all the Area Chairman were together on stage was the highlight which will be cherished for ever. The change of jewel almost had the crowd and the ex area chairmen on the word of tears at this historic juncture in the GOLDEN jubilee year of RTI in India. Truly these were golden moments that will be remembered by all present in the years to come.
Area Chairman in his opening speech Tr.Rajesh bowed to the floor, introduced his TEAM, and appointed the conveners, Honorary Tablers for the year. He addressed the floor and announced his theme for the year "ROAD TO FRIENDSHIP" by presenting a film and He unveiled his pin for the year.
We then had RTI President "Tr.Ajay Handa" address the gathering. National observer NST Tr.Himanshu Gupta was very pleased with the proceedings of the AGM and then our very own IPP Tr.Shivkumar Eashwaran also gave his usual motivating speech.
With this the formal part of the AGM was over but the party continued again as every one was ready to wear in their dancing shoes and party late into the night.
Probably winners were celebrating their victories and performers’ were heaving a sigh of relief and letting their hair loose after a year full of work. And most important the organizers the hosts MADRAS METRO ROUND TABLE were finally able to party with the mood of celebration that they had accomplished a huge mega ,memorable and fantastic” MARDI GRAS –An agm of a life time”
I am sure the reports from the Area Chairman current and past and the AST ‘s current and past were bear witness to the above and sufficient testimonials would be available to call this the biggest and the best ever AGM witnessed not only by area 2 but I am sure by all area across RTI.
All the above thanks to the super co-ordination and team work by a motivated and determined, humble yet proud performing ,meticulous yet stylish, fellow shippers yet performers and one of the best ever TEAM of MADRAS METRO ROUND TABLE 95 Chennai Area 2.
Punit Sampat.,
Agm Convenor
28th AGM AREA 2
When we initially took up the task it looked like we had undertaken a mammoth task. Had we bitten of much more than what we were capable of chewing? Would we able to deliver? But nevertheless since we had taken the fall we decided to leave no stone unturned ,no avenue un explored to ensure that the tablers of AREA 2 get one hell of an AGM , or later on as some Tablers called it “The mother of all AGM’s ever not only in area 2 but across RTI also.
A huge amount of planning and precise execution of the same was one of the highlights of the whole event. Another commendable feature was the amazing co-ordination and mind boggling TEAM work by all the tablers and h.t’s of MMRT 95.Not one of the 502, yes I repeat 502 guests registered for the two day event had any opportunity to complain. They were all treated to 48 hours of absolute service and royal treatment by the Tablers of MMRT 95.
Now for the details of the event as such
On day one, AGM session started of on 11.00 am. And ware very well attended by the Tablers at The Accord Metropolitan. The National Observer was Tr.Himanshu Gupta, NST and the Chief Guest being our own IPP Tr.Shivkumar Eashwaran. The AGM session was quite long, thanks to the 6 motion being debated by our Area Vice Chairman Tr.Rajesh Gupta. Tablers actively participated in the proceedings of the AGM. AST.Suresh Soni's Secretary Report was well presented with giving details of the achievement of Area 2 during the year. Area Chairman Tr.Giridhar Raj to save time had very smartly handed over his mementos to his conveners as an when their report was brought up. This added a bit more color to the AGM session and also lengthened the proceedings much to the anxiety of the hotel and hosts. But how ever all that begins well ends well the Agm session got over by nearly 3 p.m. with a session of Seargenting by Tr.Shiva & Tr.Sandy taking a good big dig at the Head table of the area and keeping every one in splits .Towards the end the sargeanting sounded more like a stand up comedy show where anywhere found standing was made to bear the brunt of the sergeants.
The Highlight of the AGM was the Informal Night for which the whole Basement of Accord Metropolitan was reserved. The whole place was transformed into a South American "Mardi Gras" festivities street in RIO DE JENIRO. The Night décor ,competitions ,dress codes,party masks and beads all being synonymous with theme of the evening and the AGM it self.
Mardi gras which stands for a celebration of life and celebration of colors was brought out in its true spirits. The hosts MMRT 95 took in great pains and some humongous efforts in ensuring that no stone was unturned, no detail was missed out. From faced painters to stilt walkers to photo shoot props to future readers to masks to beads to exotic cocktails everything was planned.
And to add a feather to an already cap full of accomplishments of the hosts. They had done an unbelievable act, they had actually called a set of three dancers all the way from RIO DE JENIRO.Yes these were the same dancers that had performed at the last MARDI GRAS at Brazil.
And what more these exclusive dancers were ready to pose with the tablers of area 2 in the special photo ops props prepared especially for the event. Instant pictures were available for the benefit of the tablers mounted in a specially designed memorabilia frame.
The Agm hosts had assured as per their theme that this would turn out to be ‘THE AGM OF A LIFE TIME”
And truly to the above words the informal night it self left the tablers waiting for more and more that kept coming as we went on deep into the night .The contest for the tables for the evening "Dance of the world" performances were intercepted by some amazing and hot dance numbers by these foreign dancers and at the same time intercepted by some super fun spot contests by the MC of the evening. We had 8 Tables preparing for over 10 days to perform their dance which represented the theme.
The Competition was really close and the celebrity judges had a hard time judging the best Table. But since every contest needs to have winners almost all teams took home prizes in some category or the other.
Teams were selected based on the dance/costumes/variety/co-ordination/speed etc. While this was going on in one hall of the venue a live band set was ensured in another hall for the not so young tablers.The live band was belting out numbers from the 80’s and quieter drinks and less colorful cocktails added to the pleasure of the tablers in this hall.
Another hall was dedicated to the Twinklers who wanted their own space. Some amazing snacks and entertainment was provided for them. Also the hosts had taken extra care that baby sitter and beds were available for the twinklers of area 2.
The Informal night MARDI GRAS true to its reputation went on into the wee hours in the morning. Tablers were seen enjoying a sumptuous meal only we couldn’t define the same whether it was dinner, supper or breakfast.
The Evening Chairman’s Banquet the next day was a glittering one of the Taj corromandal ball room. Every Tabler & Circler dressed to the best formal clothing. The stage being one of the biggest with a sitting for over 16 heads and in addition it had a ramp so that every award winner or tabler being recognized for his services to the movement would walk the walk of life in the spotlight in front of his fellow Tablers for a longer and better viewed perspective . The presentation of awards was done very uniquely with each winner being crowned and being dressed up in royal robes before he would come forward to receive the award. This added to the formal setting and the color of the event as such. The stage it self was set up in a unique décor that added to the mood and the setting for the formal clothes and the occasion of the CHAIRMANS Banquet to culminate a fine year in the history of tabling in area 2 RTI.
The respective Area Convener was called forward to present the awards and the Winners when they took the ramp were crowned and robed before receiving the award each awardee was welcomed onto the stage with a specially lit spotlight focused on him and aptly chosen lead music.
The moment of the AGM was when the Change of jewel took place. We had 21 past Area Chairman Standing together and are the jewels were past from one past Chairman to the next and in the end we had Chairman Giridhar Raj hand over the jewel to Tr.Rajesh Gupta .
This moment when all the Area Chairman were together on stage was the highlight which will be cherished for ever. The change of jewel almost had the crowd and the ex area chairmen on the word of tears at this historic juncture in the GOLDEN jubilee year of RTI in India. Truly these were golden moments that will be remembered by all present in the years to come.
Area Chairman in his opening speech Tr.Rajesh bowed to the floor, introduced his TEAM, and appointed the conveners, Honorary Tablers for the year. He addressed the floor and announced his theme for the year "ROAD TO FRIENDSHIP" by presenting a film and He unveiled his pin for the year.
We then had RTI President "Tr.Ajay Handa" address the gathering. National observer NST Tr.Himanshu Gupta was very pleased with the proceedings of the AGM and then our very own IPP Tr.Shivkumar Eashwaran also gave his usual motivating speech.
With this the formal part of the AGM was over but the party continued again as every one was ready to wear in their dancing shoes and party late into the night.
Probably winners were celebrating their victories and performers’ were heaving a sigh of relief and letting their hair loose after a year full of work. And most important the organizers the hosts MADRAS METRO ROUND TABLE were finally able to party with the mood of celebration that they had accomplished a huge mega ,memorable and fantastic” MARDI GRAS –An agm of a life time”
I am sure the reports from the Area Chairman current and past and the AST ‘s current and past were bear witness to the above and sufficient testimonials would be available to call this the biggest and the best ever AGM witnessed not only by area 2 but I am sure by all area across RTI.
All the above thanks to the super co-ordination and team work by a motivated and determined, humble yet proud performing ,meticulous yet stylish, fellow shippers yet performers and one of the best ever TEAM of MADRAS METRO ROUND TABLE 95 Chennai Area 2.
Punit Sampat.,
Agm Convenor
28th AGM AREA 2
Responses to Blog - Tr. Kaushik
We have had some amazing responses to blogs made, the highlight however was the blog made by Prem, 162. Do read the responses - we are talking real time Tabling on this one.
Good show & keep your blogs coming. For your reference, this is maximum visibility as we are a very active blog in RTI today, and not just a reporting site - our blog's & responses are on the RTI blogsite & we have had favourable reviews from the President, RTI & Amar, National Blog Convener.
Your Tables activity will be the highlight if posted on the Area II Blog, and works for great internal publicity.
Tr. Kaushik Palicha
Convener - IT,
Area II, RTI.
We have had some amazing responses to blogs made, the highlight however was the blog made by Prem, 162. Do read the responses - we are talking real time Tabling on this one.
For November - I guess the BlogRaja is Tr. Prem of 162.
Good show & keep your blogs coming. For your reference, this is maximum visibility as we are a very active blog in RTI today, and not just a reporting site - our blog's & responses are on the RTI blogsite & we have had favourable reviews from the President, RTI & Amar, National Blog Convener.
Your Tables activity will be the highlight if posted on the Area II Blog, and works for great internal publicity.
Tr. Kaushik Palicha
Convener - IT,
Area II, RTI.
Monday, November 26, 2007
RT 30's new school project - Tr. Sanjay Goel

Dear All,
Pleased to inform you that Mert 30 has signed an MOU with Vivekananda Educational Society for a New School at New Manali Town.We are planning to complete the project in four phases and the first phase of the project is likely to be completed by June 08 at a total cost of 25 lakhs .
First cheque of Rs 10 Lakhs was handed over to the Society for the commencement of the project on 11th November in the presence of National Project Convener Tr Sakthi, Area2 Chairman Tr Rajesh Gupta and Area2project Convener Tr Prabhat. Would like to thank one and all for being present and would like to make a special mention of appreciation for Tr.Nirmal and HT.Rajesh Nichani without there efforts this project would not have been possible.
Kudos 30
friend for life...Tr. Dhiraj Walia
Pleased to inform you that Mert 30 has signed an MOU with Vivekananda Educational Society for a New School at New Manali Town.We are planning to complete the project in four phases and the first phase of the project is likely to be completed by June 08 at a total cost of 25 lakhs .
First cheque of Rs 10 Lakhs was handed over to the Society for the commencement of the project on 11th November in the presence of National Project Convener Tr Sakthi, Area2 Chairman Tr Rajesh Gupta and Area2project Convener Tr Prabhat. Would like to thank one and all for being present and would like to make a special mention of appreciation for Tr.Nirmal and HT.Rajesh Nichani without there efforts this project would not have been possible.
Kudos 30
friend for life...Tr. Dhiraj Walia
Chairman, MERT30
MKRT 181 - Publicity Effort - Posted by Tr. Rajiv Shah

Hi Friends and Tablers,
Greetings from MKRT - 181
We would like to inform you that we MKRT 181ers have put up TWO hoardings in the city of Chennai for
the benefit and publicity of this Wonderful movement.
We at MKRT 181 have always believed in the philosophy .The past cannot be changed, but the future is still in your power.. We have in all our tabling endeavors and planning tried to look at the broader picture of tomorrow. This contribution from MKRT 181 is on the similar lines of seeking publicity for years to come.
We have with this tried to in what ever little way we could to garner support, goodwill and publicity for the movement. Hope this small gesture helps the organization to reach great heights.
1. On the way from Pudupet to Egmore Court on the left hand side, diagonally opposite the entrance
of the Egmore court. ( Size: 25 * 25 )
2. On the way from G.N. Chetty Road to the fly over leading to Mount Road, on the left hand side at
the foot of the fly over. Diagonally opposite the sun plaza complex or the wooden market.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Whats Happening Area II
Log on to the Blog, and check out:
The Area Chairman's Monty
Vote for Sat Jupiter
& More
The Area Chairman's Monty
Vote for Sat Jupiter
& More
Saturday, November 24, 2007
NFD - Dancing the Fellowship Way
Some of the participants at the NFD.
Red Hot Fellowship
One of the most interesting fellowships on display. What you are seeing are e nicer, more coordinated bits.
We also have coming up:
The Atavistic attitudeof tablers, post the fellowship & a special screening of Tabler Rajesh Gupta, Chairman Area II, doing a half monty.
NATIONAL FELLOWSHIP DAY AT AREA –2 - Tr. S Srikanth, Chairman PRRT 104
Area –2 celebrated the National Fellowship Day on 17th November 2007 at Pondicherry.
Pondicherry Rivage Round Table – 104 hosted the NFD for all the tables of Area–2. The Area –2 Nach Baliye 2007 was also organized by PRRT – 104 in conjunction with the NFD.
The event evoked a fabulous response from Area –2 with 308 registrations and over 75 kids. Every table in Area –2 was present for this event.
The Area –2 Nach Baliye had 13 participants (couples). All the participants were judged through two rounds of dancing. The first round was the “Dhinchak Round” and the second round was “Paisa Vassol Round”. All the participants performed like thorough professionals and the following were the winners
Area -2 Nach Baliye Winners
Cr. Himanshi & Tr. Hemant Khandelwalfrom RT 95
Area -2 Nach Baliye Runners up
Cr. Shilpa and Tr. Darshan of RT 162
Most Popular Couple award (By SMS Poll)
Cr. Indu Praveen & Tr. Prajod of RT 123
Best Dressed Couple award
Cr. Shalini & Tr. Munish Jain of RT 39
Best Team name award
Cr. Shilpa and Tr. Darshan of RT 162
The prizes and trophies were given by NST Tr. Himanshu Gupta, Area –2 Chairman Tr. Rajesh Gupta, Area –2 Vice Chairman Tr. Saktivel and AST Tr. Parveen.
Table RT 162 received the award for the highest registration and table RT 124 received the award for the highest percentile registration.
The twinklers also had a dance competition “Nach Chottu Nach”, more than 25 kids participated in this event and Twinkler Simran won the first prize.
After the Nach Baliye the dance floor was set on fire by the circlers and tablers and the dancing went on till 03.00 a.m. in the morning.
This was one of the biggest national fellowship day celebrations and Area –2 rocked with a great attendance and fellowship.
Area –2 celebrated the National Fellowship Day on 17th November 2007 at Pondicherry.
Pondicherry Rivage Round Table – 104 hosted the NFD for all the tables of Area–2. The Area –2 Nach Baliye 2007 was also organized by PRRT – 104 in conjunction with the NFD.
The event evoked a fabulous response from Area –2 with 308 registrations and over 75 kids. Every table in Area –2 was present for this event.
The Area –2 Nach Baliye had 13 participants (couples). All the participants were judged through two rounds of dancing. The first round was the “Dhinchak Round” and the second round was “Paisa Vassol Round”. All the participants performed like thorough professionals and the following were the winners
Area -2 Nach Baliye Winners
Cr. Himanshi & Tr. Hemant Khandelwalfrom RT 95
Area -2 Nach Baliye Runners up
Cr. Shilpa and Tr. Darshan of RT 162
Most Popular Couple award (By SMS Poll)
Cr. Indu Praveen & Tr. Prajod of RT 123
Best Dressed Couple award
Cr. Shalini & Tr. Munish Jain of RT 39
Best Team name award
Cr. Shilpa and Tr. Darshan of RT 162
The prizes and trophies were given by NST Tr. Himanshu Gupta, Area –2 Chairman Tr. Rajesh Gupta, Area –2 Vice Chairman Tr. Saktivel and AST Tr. Parveen.
Table RT 162 received the award for the highest registration and table RT 124 received the award for the highest percentile registration.
The twinklers also had a dance competition “Nach Chottu Nach”, more than 25 kids participated in this event and Twinkler Simran won the first prize.
After the Nach Baliye the dance floor was set on fire by the circlers and tablers and the dancing went on till 03.00 a.m. in the morning.
This was one of the biggest national fellowship day celebrations and Area –2 rocked with a great attendance and fellowship.
NFD - Celebrations, Tr. Rajeh G - Chairman Area II
Dear Friends,
Warm greetings from the Area 2 Board !!
I wish to thank Chairman Srikanth and your Tablers of PRRT 104 especially Jaiprakash - N.F.Day Convenor for organising such a Fantastic National Fellowship Day "NACH BALIYE " event for Area 2.
I could not have asked for a better evening when we have over 300 heads from Area 2 present under one roof and enjoying the Friendship and competition to the fullest.
All the Tablers of PRRT 104 were perfect Host for the success of this event having organised our Stay,DJ,Fellowship.
Everyone in Area 2 will agree with me that this has been one of the best Natonal Fellowship Day celebratios we have had in Area 2.
For me as Area Chairman this event will be the amongst the highest points of my year and I thank PRRT 104 from the bottom of my heart for having worked and organising such a great event fpr all of us to enjoy.
I also Thank MMRT 3 amd MCRT 94 for having kept the ntertable Car Rally along with this event which has added to the day and all of us who participated enjyed the excitement of a proffessional outing. Great show Chairman Satish and Chairman Dinshaw.
To all Tablers ,Circlers and Twinklers who made it to Pondy thankyou for your presence at Pondy to join us for the celebration of National Fellowship Day .
I am sure all of you have enjoyed the day and made Area 2 Rocking all the way to the ROAD 2 FRIENDSHIP.
A special thanks to all the participants of the Nach Baliye and the Car Rally you guys made the day ever so memorable.Thank you
Please forward this to all the Tablers of your respective Tables.
Rajesh Gupta
Area Chairman - Area 2
Warm greetings from the Area 2 Board !!
I wish to thank Chairman Srikanth and your Tablers of PRRT 104 especially Jaiprakash - N.F.Day Convenor for organising such a Fantastic National Fellowship Day "NACH BALIYE " event for Area 2.
I could not have asked for a better evening when we have over 300 heads from Area 2 present under one roof and enjoying the Friendship and competition to the fullest.
All the Tablers of PRRT 104 were perfect Host for the success of this event having organised our Stay,DJ,Fellowship.
Everyone in Area 2 will agree with me that this has been one of the best Natonal Fellowship Day celebratios we have had in Area 2.
For me as Area Chairman this event will be the amongst the highest points of my year and I thank PRRT 104 from the bottom of my heart for having worked and organising such a great event fpr all of us to enjoy.
I also Thank MMRT 3 amd MCRT 94 for having kept the ntertable Car Rally along with this event which has added to the day and all of us who participated enjyed the excitement of a proffessional outing. Great show Chairman Satish and Chairman Dinshaw.
To all Tablers ,Circlers and Twinklers who made it to Pondy thankyou for your presence at Pondy to join us for the celebration of National Fellowship Day .
I am sure all of you have enjoyed the day and made Area 2 Rocking all the way to the ROAD 2 FRIENDSHIP.
A special thanks to all the participants of the Nach Baliye and the Car Rally you guys made the day ever so memorable.Thank you
Please forward this to all the Tablers of your respective Tables.
Rajesh Gupta
Area Chairman - Area 2
The NFD Rally - Tr. Sethu- MRT1
> Hi satish , dinshaw and siva,> > compliments to table 3 and 94 for taking the initiative to organise a car rally..> > it was superbaly executed..> When i saw sq.leg rajan syal from motor sports club at savera hotel, i knew we were in for a professionaly managed rally...> > we did the right things first...goblled the yummy samosa and sandwich from uncle sams packet, and snoozed while the driver drove..!> great fun even though we changed track half way through and zipped our way to pondy !> > cheers guys..> > sethu> mrt 1...> > Sent from my BlackBerry® on Airtel> > -----Original Message----->
From: "Prabhat" <prabhat100@gmail.com>> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 13:11:40 > To:<AEX-0708@googlegroups.com>, "'AREA - 2 CHAIRMAN'" <A2-Chair-0708@googlegroups.com>, "'A2-Sec-0708'" <a2-sec-0708@googlegroups.com>> Cc:"'satish'" <satish@designworks.in>, <dinshaw.parakh@gmail.com>> Subject: Great Escape 2007 !!> > Dear Tr. Satish & Tr. Dinshaw,> > > > Greetings from MART 100 !!> > > > Congratulations on the Successfully organized RALLY for Area 2 , it was excellently professionally organized event. We had a nice time calculating the Time & Speed , the Route and looking out for the Marshalls , Must say you guys had taken a lot of effort in organizing this event.> > > > Please convey my congrats to all the Tablers of RT 3 & RT 94.> > > > Cheers to 100% Friendship,> > > > Tr. Prabhat Sreewastav> > Chairman – MART 100.> > > > > --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~>
From: "Prabhat" <prabhat100@gmail.com>> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 13:11:40 > To:<AEX-0708@googlegroups.com>, "'AREA - 2 CHAIRMAN'" <A2-Chair-0708@googlegroups.com>, "'A2-Sec-0708'" <a2-sec-0708@googlegroups.com>> Cc:"'satish'" <satish@designworks.in>, <dinshaw.parakh@gmail.com>> Subject: Great Escape 2007 !!> > Dear Tr. Satish & Tr. Dinshaw,> > > > Greetings from MART 100 !!> > > > Congratulations on the Successfully organized RALLY for Area 2 , it was excellently professionally organized event. We had a nice time calculating the Time & Speed , the Route and looking out for the Marshalls , Must say you guys had taken a lot of effort in organizing this event.> > > > Please convey my congrats to all the Tablers of RT 3 & RT 94.> > > > Cheers to 100% Friendship,> > > > Tr. Prabhat Sreewastav> > Chairman – MART 100.> > > > > --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~>
Monday, November 19, 2007
Tr. Sidsy gets into the act
Just saw the blog.
Sexy Dude.
Your prospect Sidsy is getting popular in Area II.
We shd canvass for him for Area Chairman for next year.
Tr. Anuj Bihani
Sexy Dude.
Your prospect Sidsy is getting popular in Area II.
We shd canvass for him for Area Chairman for next year.
Tr. Anuj Bihani
Dear Friends,
Warm greetings from the Area 2 Board !!
It is a great initiative by Tr Kaushik to introduce the Area 2 Blog.As all of us a aware that in this busy world of ours amongst the best way to communicate today is through the Mails.
What is a Blog?
A Blog is a website where entries are written in chronological order. Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.
And how is it going to be useful to us?
It will be a great communication tool within the whole of RT India - Area 2; it can provide very quick updates on Events; it will be a Discussion Forum, where individual Tablers can express themselves, etc.
Tablers do make use of this iniiative so as we can communicate to each other better
Rajesh Gupta
Area Chairman - Area 2
Rajman Vanijya
123, Linghi Chetty Street,
Chennai - 600 001
Phone : 25268172
Mobile : 98410 - 71733
Warm greetings from the Area 2 Board !!
It is a great initiative by Tr Kaushik to introduce the Area 2 Blog.As all of us a aware that in this busy world of ours amongst the best way to communicate today is through the Mails.
What is a Blog?
A Blog is a website where entries are written in chronological order. Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.
And how is it going to be useful to us?
It will be a great communication tool within the whole of RT India - Area 2; it can provide very quick updates on Events; it will be a Discussion Forum, where individual Tablers can express themselves, etc.
Tablers do make use of this iniiative so as we can communicate to each other better
Rajesh Gupta
Area Chairman - Area 2
Rajman Vanijya
123, Linghi Chetty Street,
Chennai - 600 001
Phone : 25268172
Mobile : 98410 - 71733
Dear Kaushik,
Let me at the outset congratulate you on taking over the mantle of Area IT Convenorship of this dynamic Area. It will surely be a wonderful experience and a fun filled year of fellowship under the able stewardship of our Area Chairman Tr Rajesh Gupta. Commencing an Area Blog is an excellent initiative. I am quite confident and sure that you will take Area 2 to the next level thru the Area Blog and achieve laurels this Tabling year 2007-2008.
Tabling in Area 2 has always been hectic and the best way to keep oneself updated of the latest happenings and events is thru the web and electonic media. It is my sincere endeavor that this Area Blog shall project the dedicated social work, community service and fellowship activities of all Tables of Area 2. It will be a fulfillment if
this effectively reaches out to all Tables and Circles of Area 2. The Tabling momentum has been rocking and hectic with incessant activities on all fronts from all Tables in Area 2 which is known as the Mecca of Tabling.
Henry Ford has said that "Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress, with it there is accomplishment". Your reflection through the Area Blog is a significant effort in exhorting the Area to continue to excel in its accomplishments.
The present year, I am sure will add to your prosperity and success. We will carry on the efforts on all the fronts and also ensure that there is continuity in all facets. Three Cheers to the Pillars of Area 2.
Participate, get involved, enjoy Tabling and take the Road to Friendship.
LMF HT Satish Jupiter (RT 162)
Area Honorary Tabler
Area 2, Round Table India
Big Daddy Speak - RTI, Area II. Tr. M S
When Area IT convenor and till recently jointly along with me, one of the most eligible bachelors of Area II Tr. Kaushik Palicha asked me to pen a few lines for the Area blog on any aspect of tabling that I am passionate about, it kind of left me in a dizzy.
I did not know what to write about. So let me share a few of my thoughts with all of you.
One of the most important things about Tabling that we all should remember is that on a priority scale Tabling should come a distant third with the first priority being and the second being work.
Enjoy what you are doing. Do not allow yourself to be pressurised into doing anything you do not enjoy. I have learnt this the hard way.
Support your Chairman and your table to the best of your ability.
While fellowship is the backbone of our movement, community service equally important.
Enjoy your time in Tabling
Cheers and Happy Blogging
I did not know what to write about. So let me share a few of my thoughts with all of you.
One of the most important things about Tabling that we all should remember is that on a priority scale Tabling should come a distant third with the first priority being and the second being work.
Enjoy what you are doing. Do not allow yourself to be pressurised into doing anything you do not enjoy. I have learnt this the hard way.
Support your Chairman and your table to the best of your ability.
While fellowship is the backbone of our movement, community service equally important.
Enjoy your time in Tabling
Cheers and Happy Blogging
Tabling Today's perspective - Tr. Prem Ganesh, Area Fellowhip Convener - Area II, RTI
From the time I joined tabling 5 years ago, I have been a witness to a lot of debates on whether RTI should concentrate on Fellowship or Service. Earlier, classroom construction Projects were not many. Tables used to do simple fund raisers and raise small amounts to build 1 or 2 classrooms every year and do a few community service projects like distributing Note books, Clothes, Bed sheets, Food, etc.
But of late the emphasis is on building more classrooms. This leads to more fundraisers & there is lot of pressure on each table & in turn on its Chairman to perform. Reason: Identity for RTI. Why do you need an identity for RTI? Why do you want to be known as a Service organization? If I want to be associated with some Service organization and want everyone to identify me as a Social worker, then I would join so many other organizations, which have that identity. Why RTI?
This is a group of young men to develop Fellowship & do Community Service activities. Once you are 40 you cannot enjoy the lovely experience & fun that tabling provides. There has to be a difference between RTI & any other Service organisation. Once you are 40 & retire from tabling & join another organisation you must be able to experience the difference, which I am sure will be the Fun & fellowship this organisation offers.
When I joined tabling the meetings used to be so much fun to attend as it was short & crisp. We would discuss a small Fund Raiser & do 1-2 classrooms and a few community service projects. The time for partying at the end of each meeting used to be lot more & hence the bonding. Of late, I see that we have long meetings as we spend much time discussing how many schools to build, how much money to raise, who to approach for sponsorship, who is responsible for the quality of construction, etc resulting in fellowship taking a back seat due to meetings extending up to late in the night. This discussion could go on even after the meeting & if you hold any responsibility in the table, then it could go on through out the year.
We have enough of these pressures in our place of work to raise money, meet expenses & make profits and when we come to the meeting we again discuss the same. By doing too many projects involving outside agencies, we tend to overburden ourselves & and become answerable for the money collected from the other sources.
I am not against building classrooms or doing community service. But let us not overdo the same. I have not missed a single community service or project inauguration of my table since joining this movement.
I love this movement for all the opportunity it gives one to make more friends & have so much fun and at the same time allows him to contribute to society. All of us have friends from school, college, work, etc and we can go & party for long hours in pubs, discotheques. Similarly some of us may be donating money for various causes through various organisations. But Round table is a fantastic forum which gives one the opportunity to have the cake & eat it too. You have friends who will party with you & also join in your service projects.
I hope by looking more into Projects we don't dilute the essence of Tabling….which is Fellowship. -- Cheers!!
But of late the emphasis is on building more classrooms. This leads to more fundraisers & there is lot of pressure on each table & in turn on its Chairman to perform. Reason: Identity for RTI. Why do you need an identity for RTI? Why do you want to be known as a Service organization? If I want to be associated with some Service organization and want everyone to identify me as a Social worker, then I would join so many other organizations, which have that identity. Why RTI?
This is a group of young men to develop Fellowship & do Community Service activities. Once you are 40 you cannot enjoy the lovely experience & fun that tabling provides. There has to be a difference between RTI & any other Service organisation. Once you are 40 & retire from tabling & join another organisation you must be able to experience the difference, which I am sure will be the Fun & fellowship this organisation offers.
When I joined tabling the meetings used to be so much fun to attend as it was short & crisp. We would discuss a small Fund Raiser & do 1-2 classrooms and a few community service projects. The time for partying at the end of each meeting used to be lot more & hence the bonding. Of late, I see that we have long meetings as we spend much time discussing how many schools to build, how much money to raise, who to approach for sponsorship, who is responsible for the quality of construction, etc resulting in fellowship taking a back seat due to meetings extending up to late in the night. This discussion could go on even after the meeting & if you hold any responsibility in the table, then it could go on through out the year.
We have enough of these pressures in our place of work to raise money, meet expenses & make profits and when we come to the meeting we again discuss the same. By doing too many projects involving outside agencies, we tend to overburden ourselves & and become answerable for the money collected from the other sources.
I am not against building classrooms or doing community service. But let us not overdo the same. I have not missed a single community service or project inauguration of my table since joining this movement.
I love this movement for all the opportunity it gives one to make more friends & have so much fun and at the same time allows him to contribute to society. All of us have friends from school, college, work, etc and we can go & party for long hours in pubs, discotheques. Similarly some of us may be donating money for various causes through various organisations. But Round table is a fantastic forum which gives one the opportunity to have the cake & eat it too. You have friends who will party with you & also join in your service projects.
I hope by looking more into Projects we don't dilute the essence of Tabling….which is Fellowship. -- Cheers!!
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