Area II - Thoughts, Inspirations & Perspirations


Friday, November 30, 2007

162's Green Effort - Tr. Satish, Convener Projects, MCRT 162

We at Madras Coastal Round Table 162 have come up with a new initiative during the RTI Week this year to promote and support the Green Belt development to counter Global warming. We are confident and quite sure that this will go a long way and reach greater heights and steer home greater awareness among the vibrant Tables of the dynamic Area 2.

We shall be pleased to donate 25 numbers of saplings free of cost to all the 18 Tables in AREA - 2. To facilitate easy and faster deliveries, these saplings could also be delivered to any location (One location per Table) preferred by the table (within chennai limits). It is intended to deliver the saplings in three lots after receipt of confirmation.

If any of the Tables require more saplings, it is requested to be intimated so that the same could be delivered along with the free saplings . However these additional saplings would be on extra cost basis. If the extra requirements are clubbed, we could save on the transportation and logistics made easier.

As a token of your acceptance, we request you to send a mail or letter specifying your requirements for our contribution with details of delivery address / contact person name, contact number for planning dispatches accordingly.

Please do send in your mail to us and go green today !!!!!

Tr. Sathish Kumar GV
Projects Convener - MCRT - 162 (2007 - 2008)

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