Dear Tablers,
Warm greetings from the Area 2 Board !!
It is fantastic that we have now a 100 write ups,uploads and reports since its opening in December.
I wish to congratulate my Convenor Tr Kaushik who has done such an outstanding job in getting to put up this most effective Area Blog of Round Table India. Let me tell you guys the other Area Blogs are yet to reach over 50 reportings.Toast to TrKaushik.
This shows how are tables are keen on giving their internal publicity to the Blog and also it shows how active our Area has been in my six months as Area Chairman of Area 2.
Guys this has been such an effective way of sending out activities in your Table that it has even motivated a few Tables/Tablers to work better after they go through the articles.Not to forget the jokes and fun articles has always given a a lighter moment.
Tablers please carry on on reorting and sending in articles,suggestions ,jokes anything you feel is good for the forus. You can be sure it will come up on it and lets continue this very effective way of communication which adds choice to us.
Its great to note as per the Blog I have only 29 week to go.
Rajesh Gupta
Area Chairman - Area 2
Rajman Vanijya
123, Linghi Chetty Street,
Chennai - 600 001
Phone : 25268172
Mobile : 98410 - 71733
Warm greetings from the Area 2 Board !!
It is fantastic that we have now a 100 write ups,uploads and reports since its opening in December.
I wish to congratulate my Convenor Tr Kaushik who has done such an outstanding job in getting to put up this most effective Area Blog of Round Table India. Let me tell you guys the other Area Blogs are yet to reach over 50 reportings.Toast to TrKaushik.
This shows how are tables are keen on giving their internal publicity to the Blog and also it shows how active our Area has been in my six months as Area Chairman of Area 2.
Guys this has been such an effective way of sending out activities in your Table that it has even motivated a few Tables/Tablers to work better after they go through the articles.Not to forget the jokes and fun articles has always given a a lighter moment.
Tablers please carry on on reorting and sending in articles,suggestions ,jokes anything you feel is good for the forus. You can be sure it will come up on it and lets continue this very effective way of communication which adds choice to us.
Its great to note as per the Blog I have only 29 week to go.
Rajesh Gupta
Area Chairman - Area 2
Rajman Vanijya
123, Linghi Chetty Street,
Chennai - 600 001
Phone : 25268172
Mobile : 98410 - 71733
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