Being the HR Convenor of MKRT 181 and a RTI Trainer I wanted to do the first HR session for this tabling year differently from what we ever did before in our Table. Half way down the tabling year I finally managed to put together what I wanted with the help of my Chairman Tr.Rajiv and HT.Sanjay Ramaswami. I managed to get a professional named G.L.Sampoorna a psychologist and a Trainer with 27 years of experience working with over 20,000 people nationally and internationally, agree to do a session for us on "Self Growth- by being your own friend". She is the founder of 'Oneiric' (-relating to Dreams), a center for psychological assistance and life skills development. Oneiric focuses on wellness of the body, mind and soul, creating holistic personal growth, enabling people to connect to their inner self and lead fulfilled lives. Her workshops and counseling are an amalgamation of techniques, methods and processes that are multi-disciplinary and bring together the best of the east and the west. For example, a workshop may include some or all of the following – conventional methods such as psychology, meditation, physical exercise; contemporary methods such as art, music, dance, drama, visualization, nutrition; innovative methods such as gardening, play, and laughter. Besides leading workshops, she is committed to expanding her reach through her 'Train the trainer' programs. A complete list of the courses offered is available on http://www.glsampoorna.com.sampoorna/ has published articles and is currently authoring two books and developing multi media programs. Her CD of guided journeys will be available commercially by spring of 2008.
Oneiric – A catalyst to improve lives and provide a sense of purpose to fellow humans. Yesterday the 31st of January 2008 with only 24 hrs of prior planning depending on GLS's availability and pressure on doing a HR session ASAP for the table, we could put together a session on the topic "Self Growth by being your own friend" at a venue called Andhra Club in Chennai. That evening in our neighboring hall there was a party on and was loud all through out our program. The call time to all fellow Trs and guests was 7.45 pm and as popularly known as RTIT (Here the last T implies Time), we started our session only at 8.45pm an hour later. The session started of with a few formalities recognizing the presence of a few eminent personalities in the Tabling and Ladies Circle fraternity who were inside the hall and of course an introduction of the speaker G.L.Sampoorna (GLS).I think it was 9pm by the time GLS got the mike in her hand which she had been waiting for almost an hour. She started of her session by speaking about how to enjoy a wonderful life using universal principles of well-being and bringing these simple practices into ones daily living and experience self growth. Then she spoke about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program) and what its benefits were if learnt and followed and then she explained about the following Affirmations like-
"I love and approve of myself", "I am willing to change", "I trust life" and " I am safe". She
explained to the group how one could say this to their own selves at different times of the day and
what change it could bring in ones lives. She explained the best way to start is by looking and
speaking to your own reflection on the mirror at the start of the day. She gave us a couple of real
life examples relating to how some people she knew got benefited by following this practice.
I being the HR convenor was only busy trying to feel and understand whether the diversified
crowd in the hall was actually concentrating on the session because as mentioned earlier we had a
lot of noise from the neighboring hall. Let me tell you to my surprise people were really glued with
deep concentration on the session being conducted by GLS. I then understood how good she was
at her job and had a feeling that this session will definitely be a successful one and so it turned out
to be.
She next called our Chairman Rajiv and told him to be a volunteer for a practical form of
understanding the control of mind on our soul and how the body and mind react to negative and
positive thoughts. After this demonstration she made the whole group divide in to partners and
experience the same and believe me people had fun and a few were surprised on this theory. Later
GLS continued her live session on the topic -
She instructed us to sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Become aware of our breathing. Feel
the air inside our nostrils as we inhale and exhale. She then asked us to notice the sensations
inside our nostrils as we breathe in and as we breathe out. Here we should not change anything,
simply stay aware of our own reality. These breathing exercises made many of us feel so relaxed
and understand how powerful such breathing techniques are and that they can soothe ones
stressed mind. This breathing exercise should be done for 3 to 5 minutes and with this your mind
gets relaxed which normally it would experience the same with a couple of hours of sleep. She told
us that this would help resolve issues of sleeplessness, concentration for your work / studies etc.
She then spoke about how giving out sound can also relax ones mind and make you more efficient
in this stressful rat race we are in.
Sound work
She told us to take a deep breath and as we exhale, allow a sigh to pass through our lips. First
silently, with just the sound of the air. Next repeat it with our voice riding on the breath as we let
out the sigh. Hearing ourself sounding out an 'aaah'. Let me tell you, this was far more relaxing to
the mind.
By now it was already a half hour session down and the time was 9.30pm and I was surprised to
find most of the participants all geared up for a longer session if possible and very involved. By
this time a fellow tabler and I separately had already paid a couple of visits to the neighboring hall
requesting them not to make such loud noises. Of course we were not very successful.
GLS then took us in to one of the best parts of this session-
She told us to Sit comfortably, closing our eyes, relaxing our body and mind and noticing the
noise from the side hall she told us "Just delete those sounds next to you and you will be ok" and
friends the way she said it, it was magical because believe me when we followed that instruction
with our eyes closed and mind focused we just could not hear anything other than what she was
saying and then she told us to Imagine a beautiful and natural surrounding. It could be a place
you have visited or a place you imagine. Allow this place to embody a feeling of peace, safety and
love. See everything in this place, hear all the sounds of this place, touch things here and become
aware of the smells. Taste something here if you can. Let everything that you see, hear, smell,
touch or taste only enhance your feelings of safety and love. Simply allow all that peace, love and
safety to fill up your body, your mind and your whole being. Allow this peace to permeate through
to every cell in your body. Stay in this state as long as you wish. And know that you can get back to
this place of your own creation anytime you want. It is always present, waiting for you, your own
special place. When you are ready, you can open your eyes and come back.
Knock Knock….. get up ! This was the state where many of us were really in .Most of us just took
off in to our own imagination worlds and we enjoyed every bit of it. GLS told us that this is a very
good way to rejuvenate ones self when depressed or fully stressed out.
Oh oh.. 10 pm it was time to stop the session and so we did and again guys to my surprise when
asked for feed back from the participants at the end, the most common feed back of all when
asked about the program was -
"We wished it was a longer session"
"We want more of these kind of sessions with the right ambiance" and most impressive one of the
lot was "Touch and Go- as it was a taste and by itself an affirmation to do a longer program"
and when asked about the speaker -
"Positive Aura all around you- very Infectious"
"Very very impressive / Awesome / She managed to convey complicated things in very simple
ways with simple solutions and techniques"
Guys this feed back made my day as a facilitator to this organization. It was not only a good
learning session but also a different kind of a fellowship within our own table and also with other
Area 2 Trs and Crs. As we all know that we at RTI HR are here to exchange solutions and
techniques to better our lives. Let us do more of such sessions and help each other by sharing
more often our own knowledge and our professional contacts to facilitate better being. This can be
achieved only by doing more and more HR sessions where we can call as many people as possible
from our fraternity and help each other like we in 181 took this initiative of inviting a few circlers
and Tablers of Area 2 just to make them understand that this is how we understand HR. So,
friends we had a great time and we were totally 32 participants and the list is as mentioned below-
List of Partcipants who attended this session
10 Trs and 1 HT of MKRT 181 and 6 ladies of 181
Area 2 Chairman - Tr.Rajesh Gupta
Area 2 Projects Convenor - Tr.Senthyl
National Supply House Convenor/RTIT – Tr.Varindar
Area Supply House Convenor – Tr.Ashish Modi
Area 2 Projects convenor / Chairman Table 100/RTIT – Tr.Prabhat
Area 2 Fellowship convenor / Table 162 HR convenor– Tr.Prem
Chairman Table 3 – Tr.Satish
Area 2 Honorary Tabler – Tr.Satish Jupiter
Table 1 HR convenor – Tr.Amit Bagri
Table 3 Honorary Tabler – Tr.Hanif
Area 2 IPC/RTIT – Tr.Giri
Area 2 LCI Chairperson – Cr.Minna
Area 2 LCI V.Chairperson – Cr.Yamini
National LCI Projects convenor - Cr.Nancy
A few pictures taken at this Session
G.L.Sampoorna Participants of this session
At the Beginning
Awareness/ Breathing/Visualization/Mind and Body Exercises
A Report by Tr.Vinay Grandhi, RTIT and HR Conv 07-08, MKRT 181
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