Project Title
Project Executed by
MMRT # 95
Project Location
“Perambur Girls School “
Project Date
15thAugust ‘2008
Estimated Project cost
Rs. 24000/‐
Actual Project cost
Rs. 23,850/‐
INDEPENDENCE DAY @ Chennai's LARGEST Girls School 4000 Children
Tablers & Circlers present for the project ,
Chairman Tr. Punit Sampat
Treasurer Tr. Vishal Jain
Tr. Raj & Cr. Rashmi & Twinkler Tushar
Tr. Govind
Tr. Ram
Tr. Nilesh Kapadia
Prospective Tr. Nahar
TOTAL members preset : 09
List of Things donated
Item Description
Worth in Rs.
Indoor Public Address system
150 Watts Amplifier
6 speakers
3 cordless mike
Rs. 22,000/‐
Nestle Chocolates ‐ 4000 nos
Rs. 1850/‐
TOTAL Project cost in Rs.
Rs. 23850/‐
Summary of Funds
IPC Tr. AMit Kalra
Rs. 11,000/‐
Tr. Deepak Bhatia
Rs. 10,850/‐
Tr. Nilesh Kapadia
Rs. 2000/‐
All the tablers reached the school at 0845 hrs , function got over at 1100 hrs . The tablers spent almost 2 hrs with the school children.
It was a huge gathering wherein 70% of the school strength was present, close to 3000 odd students for Independence Day Celebration.
The Chief guest for the event was Mr. Durairaj , Local Councilor
The school had organized various cultural programmes, Road Safety shows in addition to the distribution of dictionary for the school toppers.
All the events were very well organized.
The flag was hoisted by the local Councilor Mr. Durairaj.
Chairman Tr. Punit handed over the Indoor Public Address system to the Head mistress of the school alongwith Chocolates for the all the students.
The Table has also arranged to install the PA system for the school.
Refreshment was offered by the Headmistress for all the Tablers present .
The Head mistress put forward his request for a RO water purification unit for the school . The cost of the equipment was estimated @ Rs. 1,50,000/‐
Vote of Thanks
Special Thanks to Donors IPC Tr. Amit Kalra, Tr, Deepak Bhatia and Tr. Nilesh Kapadia for sponsoring the project “ JAI HIND.
I would also like to thank Tr. Govind for referring this project .
Reported by:
Tr. Nilesh Kapadia
XXX Project Convenor
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