Dear Tablers,
Greetings from Madras Anchorage Round Table 100 !!
We sincerely thank each one of you for being a part of our Mega Fundraiser “Voice Of India” on March 14th at Kamaraj Auditorium which had the very famous singers from the reality show at Star Plus “Amul Star Voice Of India” this show ran successfully for 52 weeks.
It was one hectic month of planning and implementation that took place but finally at the end of the day we can very surely say that all the effort was worth it. We had a good Audience close to 1550 people at the Auditorium clapping and cheering the Stars as and when they sang some peppy numbers, we kick started the event at 8 P.M. with a small Welcome Speech about Round Table India and the show went on till 11:30 P.M. a good 3.1/2 hour show, with about 35 songs totally sung , The Life was of the show was the Orchestra which was specially flown from Mumbai for the event and the fantastic Lights & Sounds, sincere Appreciation to Anuj Dinghra of Geedee Electronics to have given us such good Lights & sound system.
We have had excellent Publicity for RTI from this show and the reviews of the show was at Deccan Chronicle on Sunday the 16th of March and on Indian Express on Monday the 17th of March, both the Scanned copy are attached herewith for your reference.
We are also proud to announce that we have raised close to Rs. 9 Lakhs approximately from the show and the same will be put in our charity account and we shall built classrooms under the SSA scheme this year itself.
We would like to congratulate the Event Convenor Tr. Sharad Jalan for handling the event so well, trust me he has been 24x7 on the job and has gone about doing his job very meticulously. Kudos to you Sharad , please take a bow from all of us at MART 100.
We once gain thank each one of you for your support,
YIT, Cheers to 100% Friendship,
Tr. Prabhat Sreewastav.
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