Fellowship report for February 2008
After a relatively sedate January, where everybody was busy attending the National AGM, Fellowship activities returned to their usual active levels for February.
We had three major Fellowship activities during the month."Bad Taste’
To kick off the month we had the dinner meet of Tr. Nitin and Cr. Diya. The theme for the meeting was ‘Bad taste’ with awards being given to the worst dressed Tabler and Circler. As usual the 94 ers responded with tremendous enthusiasm. I’ve not seen any other bunch of people so eager to dress badly.
This different theme first time attempted by Table 94 indeed brought out the true colours of the Tablers and Circlers. This also once again demonstrated the spirit that binds the Table together. It was indeed a sight to see all the Tablers walking through the lobby of the hotel on the way to the Banquet hall leaving a trail of wide open mouths along the way. Ht Ketan won the competition hands down or should I say ‘Pants down!’ and Cr. Shalini swept the ladies award.
Needless to say the party went on to the wee hours of the morning with everybody going home with lots of colorful memories. ‘Pongal Fair’ In chennai traditionally every year the Industrial Trade Fair takes place (popularly called ‘Pongal fair’) at the Island grounds. This fair was an annual affair for a lot of us when we were kids. So this year we decided to revisit our childhood by having the pongal fair fellowship. One fine weekday evening, a big gang of us Tablers, Circlers and Twinklers landed up at the fair.
It was a sense of déjà vu for a lot of us. It was quite amusing to note that the parking ticket for the vehicles was around Rs. 25/- whereas the entry ticket was only Rs. 7/-!! Once we entered the fair, the ladies started heading towards the shops to buy various kitchen items and drapes for the bedroom. The men on the other hand were more interested in the street food. Having sent the kids to see dragula (actual spelling!) and other such attractions, the guys went to the cotton candy counter followed by giant appalams with chilly powder and chilly bajjis.
Once everyone had their fill of the street food, we headed towards the entertainment section of the fair with lot of games like Giant wheel, Merry-go-round and Tora-tora. The kids had their section of games as well.
While all this was going on our Chairman was having his portrait commissioned.
The final outcome of the portrait though was quite debatable, not knowing who the portrait actually resembled. It was duly censored and not allowed to be printed.
Now it was time for the grown-up kids to have some fun on the rides.
So off we went on the merry-go-round. It was unfortunate that we were not allowed to sit on the horses though. Some Tablers though were put on parental duty. Ho looked nervous because he was carrying his child for the first time in over a year. While
most of us twinklers included were smoking the rides, some were just smoking.
Thus we came to an end to another very different and innovative fellowship experience for the family of MCRT-94.
‘Valentine’s eve bash’
During the ‘bad taste’ party our LC Chairperson Shradha had approached Chairman Dinshaw and myself about having a surprise valentine’s bash for the Table. Since our regular business meeting was scheduled for 13th, we decided to have the surprise meeting on that day. A lot of ‘behind the scenes’ planning went on. Suddenly our Sq.legs decided that they wanted to host a joint meeting with us to celebrate all the national awards won by the Table at the recently concluded National AGM. So after a lot of discussion we decided that the meeting will be held
at OPM the recently opened Night club at Hotel Accord. So all Tablers were informed that the Sq. legs were hosting the business meet for us as a tribute for winning all the awards. A day before the meeting, we learnt that President Tr. Ajay Handa would also be in town and would be joining us for the meeting. It was also a privilege that along with Ajay, IPP Tr.Shiv and Area chairman Tr. Rajesh were present at the meeting.
The meeting went on normally till we reached any other matter. Sq.leg Raghuraman gave a very emotional and moving toast to the Table also explaining to many of the youngsters the significance of winning the best balanced activity award at the National AGM. Then suddenly the lights dimmed, the door opened and in walked a lot of ladies in white tops. They went straight to the dance floor and started dancing.
It took a while for the boys to realise that it was our Circlers who were putting on a surprise show for them. Once it sunk in there was a general feeling of disbelief as none of them had any clue about what was happening. It was indeed a very splendid effort on the part of the girls who had been practising in secret for over a week under the noses of the guys. After this it was ‘party on’ to surprise the ladies back. Chairman had organised flowers and chocolates to be given to them. One by one each of the Sq.legs and Tablers were asked to escort their better halfs to the stage and present them with flowers and chocolates.
These flowers and chocolates were also given to President Ajay, IPP Shiv and Area Chairman Rajesh to be given to whomsoever they were pleased with. Though Shiv had to give it to Meena as she was also present at the venue. Area chairman Rajesh was later heard remarking that ‘Thank God! None of the Tablers told their wives that they were going for the Table meeting and went elsewhere.’ All I can say Area
chairman is that our boys are not as smart as you. Once the presentation was over, and the meeting hurriedly shut the party began in earnest.
Inspite of the fact that it was a week day, the party went on till late night with all the Tablers very pleasantly surprised by their respective wives for Valentine’s day. The final fellowship event was Tr. Rajit’s dinner meet held at Geoffrey’s, the pub. The whole pub was taken up by Tr. Rajit. We had a Ukranian band playing exclusively for us. Needless to say the party continued on till very late.
Thus concluded an action packed February for Table 94 where we had some very istinct and
different fellowship events which resulted in further bonding amongst the Table.
Prepared by:
Tr. M. Sivaramakrishnan
Fellowship convenor-MCRT 94
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