Area II - Thoughts, Inspirations & Perspirations


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Motions at the Nat AGM - NEX - Tr. Rajesh Gupta, Chair - A-II

Dear Friends,

Warm greetings from the Area 2 Board !!

Given below are the details of the various Motions that were discussed and finalised on the floor of the AGM.

1. Motion 1. - On Supply House by the Nex

Motion was withdrawn

2.Motion 2. - Proposed by Area 1 on Area 10

Motion was withdrawn

3.Motion 3 - Proposed by Area 4 - Decharter of PRT 29

Motion was passed without any Amendment

4.Motion 4 - Proposed by Area 10 - Decharter 0f MRT 168

Motion was passed without any Amendment

5.Motion 5 - Proposed by CCRT 31

Motion was Passed with the following Amenments.

It is hereby resolved that the following information shall be updated after the approval of the NEX on a Quarterly basis in the website of Round Table India and be password protected and available for the information of all the Tablers in RTI.

1. Statement of Income and expenditure in the Admin Account along the budgetted amount and the previous year's figure.

2. Stock,Sale and outstanding amount in Supply House and Greeting Cards.

6.Motion 6 - Proposed by Hubli Tables on Area 2

Motion withdrawn

7.Motion 7 - Propsed by MART 100

Motion 7 : Proposed by Madras Round Table 100.

· The National Projects Convenor will update online the pending list of schools awaiting donors real time.
· A Table is eligible for one application at any given time on a first in first out basis, area wise.
· The application and allotments are transferable to other projects by the same Table.
· The online software shall also use a structured procedure to enable transparency in the project application approval and tracking process.
· The system must cater to disbursement of funds with a method built in for audit.
· All projects to be covered under the portal, both present and ongoing irrespective of funding from RTI.
· Time frame for the application is three years.

8.Motion 8 - Proposed by CART 133

Motion withdrawn

9.Motion 9 - Proposed by KRT 138

Motion Passed as follows.

It is hereby resolved that the following :

While granting permission for the Charter the National President will also allocate the number of the Table be amended as follows.

While granting permission for Charter, the National President will also allocate the number of the Table and such number shall be the next number to the previously allotted number on a continuous numbering system.

10 Motion 10 -On Rs 200/- per Tabler for Table Talk Magazine - Proposed by the Nex

Motion passed as follows

Table talk levy of Rs 200/- per active Tabler based on strength of the Table as on 1st July to be paid along with C- form dues. To bring out 3 issues as per the RTI Calender.



Rajesh Gupta
Area Chairman - Area 2

Rajman Vanijya
123, Linghi Chetty Street,
Chennai - 600 001
Phone : 25268172
Mobile : 98410 - 71733

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